Divine Traits

From Logoscreation

Divine Traits are elements that arise from divine heritage - be it as a result of being born God-Blooded or Half-Caste, or as some flaw or subtle imperfection in the shard of Exaltation that one carries.

Mechanically, Divine Traits work just like mutations and are divided into categories based on their effect and scope, in a manner similar to mutations. In addition, God-Blooded characters may take appropriate mutations as Divine Traits. These mutations do not count as mutations for purposes of determining Wyld addiction or dependence.

Exalted may take Divine Traits to represent previous divine heritage as well as flaws in their current Exaltation. Only Divine Traits which are already "part" of being Exalted (accelerated healing, longevity, etc. etc.) cannot be purchased in this way.

Some Divine Traits may be restricted based on the type of heritage one possesses. Where this is the case, a note next to the name of the Trait will indicate as much.

Divine Traits may be bought with BP. Negative Traits may be purchased which allow the commiserate purchase of positive traits but, as with mutations, they do not provide bonus points.

Being God-Blooded itself awakens one's Essence, as per the normal rules, and costs 3 BP. Exalts do not have to pay the 3 BP in order to be God-Blooded.

Abilities that are listed as available only to Fae-Blooded may also be purchased as mutations of a similar level.


[edit] Positive Divine Traits

[edit] Lesser Blessings (1 point)

Longevity (Cannot be taken by Exalts) - The God-Blooded with this blessing will live for a century, plus a number of additional decades equal to his parent's Essence (at the time of conception) + his own Essence.

License of Celestial Entry - A God-Blood or Exalt with this Trait may pass the celestial lions freely. This does not provide a means of reaching Yu Shan. Demon-Blooded, Fae-Blooded and Ghost-Blooded cannot take this trait.

Blurred Fate (Demon-Blooded, Ghost-Blooded, Fae-Blooded and Abyssal Half-Caste Only) - This trait adds 2 to the difficulty of any Astrology or Art of Astrology rolls made regarding the character.

Dynasty of Inheritance (Cannot be Taken by Exalts) - A God-Blooded with this blessing will breed true. Both the God-Blood's children and grand-children will themselves be God-Blooded, though future generations would need a new infusion of divine blood to remain "pure".

If the God-Blood is a Beastman, this ability can often lead to the creation of Beastman communities - such as Elkmen or Ophidians.

Sanctum's Key (Divine God-Blooded Only) - A Divine God-Blooded with this blessing may freely enter her parent's Sanctum.

Gatekeeper (Demon-Blooded Only) - The Demon-Blooded knows the location of one of the 16 paths into the Desert Cecelyne that open during Calibration.

Deceptive Frailty (Ghost-Blooded Only) - The Ghost-Blooded appears much weaker than he really is. Any opponent the Ghost-Blooded attacks subtracts 2 from his DV, if he hasn't seen the Ghost-Blooded fight before.

Font of Despair (Ghost-Blooded Only) - At a dramatically appropriate moment when all hope is gone, a Ghost-Blooded may spend one Conviction channel to immediately regain Willpower with a Conviction roll.

Wyld Sense (Fae-Blooded or Lunar Exalted Only) - The Fae-Blooded may detect the presence of the Wyld. With a Perception + Awareness roll, the Fae-Blooded may determine how "deep" into the Wyld he is, and if there are any Wyld-touched creatures nearby.

Signature Style (Exalts Only) - The Exalt's Essence is tightly attuned to a specific idiom. Any time the Exalt engages in a stunt that reflects that idiom (which may be something like "Shocking Brutality"; "Obvious Impossibilities" and so on, chosen when this Trait is taken), he acquires an additional die for the stunt.

Taint's Warning (Solar or Abyssal Exalted Only) - This Trait causes the Exalt's caste mark to flare in the presence of demons, Infernal Exalted, deathknights, Deathlords, the undead and other creatures of darkness. The Abyssal "mirror" of this ability, causes the caste mark to weep blood in the presence of celestial lions, mice of the sun, Solars and other agents of the Unconquered Sun.

[edit] Moderate Blessings (2 points)

God-Body (Exalts cannot take this Trait) - The God-Blooded may soak lethal with half stamina. This trait may be taken multiple times. If taken a second time, the God-Blooded's bleeding slows as rapidly as an Exalt's. If taken three times, the God-Blooded resists disease and poison as an Exalt. If taken a fourth time, the God-Blooded heals as one of the Exalted.

Eyes of Wicked Madness (Demon-Blooded and Fae-Blooded Only) - The God-Blood may spend 3 motes of Essence to cause their eyes to reflect the light of the Wyld or Malfeas. Anyone who looks them in the eye must make a Valor roll (difficulty 2), if their Essence is lower than the God-Blood's, or flee.

Call of the Blood (Exalts may not take this Trait) - This ability allows God-Blooded to detect their own with a successful Perception + Awareness roll. Additionally, Half-Castes may use this ability to detect Exalts of the same type as their parent.

Divine Apprentice (Divine God-Blooded Only, Exalted may not take this even if God-Blooded) - As long as the God-Blooded serves his parent faithfully (as determined by the ST), he will be Endowed with godhood upon reaching Essence 3.

Artisan of Prayers (Divine God-Blood Only) - The God-Blood is considered a priest of any god he cares to pray to. Additionally, his prayers grant gods a number of motes of Essence equal to his permanent Essence per success on his Charisma + Performance roll.

Immunity to Possession (Demon-Blooded Only) - The God-Blood with this Trait cannot be possessed by means of any Spirit charm, including Arcanoi. This does not protect against mind control or unnatural mental influence.

Ordination of Pain (Demon-Blooded Only) - The Demon-Blooded adds one automatic success to all rolls made to uncover the truth through torture.

Ordination of Lies (Demon-Blooded Only) - The Demon-Blooded adds one automatic success to all rolls made to conceal the truth.

Mark of Infernal Favor (Demon-Blooded Only) - The Demon-Blooded has been tattooed with a demonic glyph depicting his parentage. This mark is normally invisible unless viewed with essence sight, demons of the First Circle will not attack the character with this mark except in self defense.

Suicide Commando (Ghost-Blooded Only) - Provided that the Ghost-Blooded forgoes all DVs, reducing his DDV and PDV to 0 in combat, all foes he faces in combat lose three dice from all attack rolls and reduce their DVs by 2.

Deathsight (Ghost-Blooded and Abyssal Exalted Only) - Ghost-Blooded gain the ability to detect disease and necrotic Essence as a Ghost.

Deathwalker (Ghost-Blooded and Abyssal Exalted Only) - Ghosts are always considered to be material by this character.

Fetter Sense (Ghost-Blooded Only) - A Ghost-Blooded with this Trait may recognize an object or individual as a ghost's Fetter by touch. It does not aid in identifying the ghost, however.

Anima Powers (Half-Caste only, not available to Exalts) - The Half-Caste gains the anima power of his Exalted parent.

Material Resonance (Half-Caste only, not available to Exalts) - The Half-Caste gains the normal benefits of attuning to the magical material of his parent's Exalt-type.

Virtue Attunement (Fae-Blooded Only) - The Fae-Blooded has resonance with one of the four Virtues, and may make a Perception + Awareness roll to sense the rating that an individual has in that Virtue.

Legendary Breeding (Dragon-Blooded Only) - The Dragon-Blooded is considered Breeding 6, adding 11 motes to his Peripheral Essence pool, and 6 to his Personal Essence pool, and reducing the cost of activating his anima banner by three. The Dragon-Blooded must have Breeding 5 before he may take this Trait.

Prescient Dreamer (Sidereal Only) - The Sidereal occasionally dreams of the Loom, such dreams and visions are often confusing, but a successful Intelligence + Lore roll allows the Sidereal to interpret the imagery of his dreams.

Past Lives (Exalts Only) - The Exalt remembers bits and pieces of his past lives, and may add 3 dice to any roll made to understand or use First Age technology or comprehend some element of High First Age culture.

[edit] Greater Blessings (4 points)

Divine Resilience (Exalts cannot take this Trait) - This trait can be purchased multiple times. Each purchase provides the God-Blooded with two -2 Health Levels. The character may take this Trait a number of times equal to his Conviction.

Respiring Touch (Elemental God-Blooded Only) - This trait multiples the rate at which the God-Blooded regains Essence by the God-Blood's (Essence + 1) provided that she maintains contact with or close proximity to her parent's element.

Unchained Soul (Ghost-Blooded Only) - This trait is a blessing to many Ghost-Blooded, as it causes them to pass into Lethe immediately on death. Only Void Circle Necromancy may cause them to linger.

Wyldward (Fae-Blooded) - Changelings with this merit can briefly imbue others with their natural immunity to Wyld mutation at a cost of 10 motes of Essence. The target remains shielded for a number of days equal to the Fae-Blooded's highest Virtue + 1.

Brigid's Heir (Exalted Only) - This Trait doubles the xp cost of all Charms, but halves the xp cost of all Sorcery spells.

[edit] True Blessings (6 points)

Elemental Immunity (Elemental God-Blooded Only) - The God-Blood is immune to attacks, charms and abilities based on his parent's element.

Primal Restoration (Elemental God-Blooded Only) - The God-Blood heals as though under the effects of Body Mending Meditation while in his parent's Element.

[edit] Negative Traits

[edit] Minor Banes (1 point)

Affected by Wards (God-Blooded Only) - The God-Blooded is affected by wards intended to block creatures of their heritage, just as those creatures would be.

Aura of Power (Exalts cannot take this Bane) - God-Blooded possess an anima banner similar to that of an Exalt. Their peripheral pool is equal to 2/3rds of their total essence pool. The Exalted version of this Bane is a 2 point Bane called "Beacon of Power" and turns the Exalt's entire essence pool into peripheral Essence.

Easily Possessed (Ghost-Blooded Only) - Ghosts attempting to possess a Half-Dead with this Bane add one automatic success to their rolls to attempt possession.

Too Perfect - Exalts and God-Blooded with this Bane appear too beautiful and attractive and, well, perfect, adding 1 to the difficulty of all Charisma rolls. Characters must have Appearance 3 or higher to take this Bane.

Oath Keeper - God-Blooded and Exalts with this flaw may not reneg on any oath. If they do so, they suffer the punishment of breaking the oath as though it were sanctified by an Eclipse with an essence equal to their own.

Iron Vulnerability (Fae-Blooded) - Add one difficulty to all rolls while the Fae-Blood is in contact with iron. If taken a second time, then iron weapons do aggravated damage to the Fae-Blood.

Unbidden Oracle (Sidereals Only) - The Sidereal may occasionally glimpse deep truths in the Tapestry, but just as often finds herself speaking those truths without pause. Prophetic outbursts may occur at any time, and the player must roll Integrity + Wits to stop one.

Permanent Caste Mark (Celestial Exalts Only) - The Caste Mark of the Exalt is prominently displayed, and never goes away.

[edit] Banes (2 points)

Throwback (Exalts Only) - One of the past lives of the Exalt still inhabits his shard. The Throwback often has a Motivation or Intimacies that interfere with the Exalt, and any time one of these traits comes up during play, the past life may roll the Exalt's Essence against the Exalt's MDDV. If successful, the past life takes over the Exalt's body for the duration of the scene. This may be taken multiple times to represent more than one past life.

Death-Taint (Abyssals Only) - Abyssals whose Exaltations have become so steeped in death often manifest Resonance all the time. This flaw can be taken multiple times, each time, it creates one point of permanent Resonance in the Abyssal. This Resonance adds to the total scope of Resonance effects, but does not go away when a Resonance effect occurs. A non-Abyssal version exists for other Exalts, known as "Greater Curse". Each time Greater Curse is taken, fill in one box of Limit Break permanently.

Unholy (Demon-Blooded, Ghost-Blooded, Fae-Blooded Only) - Priests and other holy individuals can detect the God-Blooded with a Perception + Awareness roll, with a difficult of 5 - the God-Blood's Essence. Also, the God-Blood adds his Essence to the difficulty of all rolls made while on consecrated ground.

Spectre Meat (Ghost-Blooded Only) - The Ghost-Blooded is especially attractive to hungry ghosts, who can detect the Half-Dead with a successful Perception + awareness roll from anywhere within the character's Essence rating in miles.

Inherited Curse (Half-Caste Only) - The Half-Caste suffers from the Great Curse or Resonance, just as their parent does.

[edit] Greater Banes (4 points)

Denizen of Beyond (Exalts cannot take this flaw) - The character loses 1 mote for every day spent outside their parent's native environment, and cannot regain Essence without being in said environment. Elemental God-Blooded may suffer from this as well, being unable to respire Essence without exposure to "pure" forms of their parent's element, while Divine God-Blooded may only be able to respire the rarified Essence of Yu Shan.

Walking Blasphemy (Demon-Blooded) - Any time a Demon-Blooded with this bane touches a holy symbol of the Incarna, he loses one willpower and the item is destroyed.

Wandering Po (Ghost-Blooded) - The Half-Dead's Po climbs out of his mouth while he sleeps, and wanders as a Hungry Ghost.

[edit] Horrible Banes (6 points)

Weak Essence (Exalts Only; Character Cretion only) - The Exalt starts at Essence 1 instead of Essence 2.

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