
From Lixans Comics



Sparkus is an Angle of Light, and the current Angle Lord. He is the leader of Silent Reality, and the most poweful Angle of Light alive. /he and Revan have something planned, which they hope will end the demon regin.


Sparkus was created 5,000 years ago. He was trained under the Angle of Light called Tedourus. After becoming fully trained in the power of light, he trained under Rune, an angle of energy, who controlled ice and water. The two became close friends along the years. After about 2,000 years of friendship, Rune told Sparkus of his relations to Revan. It turns out, that Revan is Rune's brother. Sparkus was amazed. "Surely," he said "you hold great power" When Sparkus took his position as Angle Lord, Rune was there at his side, along with Kilgatous, and Gladious. At the time of the Great Angle Purge, Sparkus had just completly mastered his light powers. The Purge took him by surprise,, and ultimateyly he was forced to retreat. He has not forgiven himself for the loss of his brothers, and continues to train to this day.


Sparkus has bright gold hands, feet, and body. His limbs are fire-gold, and his armor is silver. He wears a golden Kualsi, and his mask power is the power to take energy from any sun, and turn it into health or energy. He wweilds a doubble staf of light, which has doubbled the light power than a normal staf of light.

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