Main Page

From Lixans Comics

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[[Lixan's Demonology|Demonology]] | [[Shadow Legacy]] | [[Characters (Shadow Legacy)]] | [[Heirs]] | [[Spoilers]] | [[Never Produced Comics]] | [[The Demon Chronicles]]
[[Lixan's Demonology|Demonology]] | [[Heirs]] | [[The Demon Chronicles]]

Revision as of 18:59, 19 January 2008

Legacy and Characters (Legacy)

So, What's it About?

This is my wiki, that contains all my info. I may post spoilers here, I may post comic info that I have but never used. You never know.

What is included here is:

  • My Demonology
  • Info on my current comics and/or future ideas
  • Possible Spoilers
  • Info on would-be comic serieses that I made but never used
  • And Much More!


Character Page Help | (More to come)

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