
From Lichentia

Avatar of Fernetti

4th Prime Minister of Liberalia*
4th Prime Minister of New Liberalia**
In office:
August, 2006 - September, 2006 (with Soccersian)
September, 2006 - October 2006
January, 2007 - February, 2007
September, 2007 (with Julio Trigman)
Deputy Prime Minister  ?
Predecessor Random Textbox Inputs (1st term)
Himself and Soccersian (2nd term)
Fishyguy (3rd term)
Northern Sushi (4th term)
Successor Himself (alone) (1st term)
Fishyguy (2nd term)
Random Textbox Inputs (3rd term)
Julio Trigman (alone) (4th term)

Political party Socialist Party
UN Membership  ?
FRA Ranger  ?

Born  ?
Residence  ?, ?
Time Zone  ?, UTC+-?

*Both Fernetti and Soccersian
are considered as 4th PM,
and there are no 5th
**Both Fernetti and Julio Trigman
are considered as 4th PM,
and there are no 5th
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