Transparent and Ethical Liberalia Act

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Transparent and Ethical Liberalia Act is a Liberalian Law.

[edit] The Bill

Section I: Government Transparency Act - Clause 1. In order to establish a transparent Liberalian government, the various ministries shall write a bimonthly report on off-election months regarding their progress in their respective field. It shall be detailed with all reasonable disclosure and may be edited by the Prime Minister or any other government colleague. - Clause 2. The Parliament has the right to recall and/or impeach any Prime Minister or Cabinet minister with a simple fifty percent plus one majority. - Clause 3. The rights set out in Section I, Clause 2 of this document, upon approval, may not be abridged.

Section II. Unilateral Pass-and-Change Ban Act - Clause 1. The Prime Minister shall not be allowed to unilaterally create and subsequently unilaterally pass a law without consent of Parliament or consent of the Opposition Leader. - Clause 2. The Prime Minister shall not be allowed to unilaterally change a law unless that law specifically allows the Prime Minister to do so without consent of Parliament or consent of the Opposition Leader. - Clause 3. No law may be passed that specifically allows a Prime Minister to unilaterally change it with anything less than a seventy-five percent majority. Only the Guardian Council can reset this limit to anything higher or lower than the seventy-five percent approval limit.

Section III. Government Opposition Act - Clause 1. The right to protest any Liberalian government action shall not be abridged. - Clause 2. The right to resign positions in Cabinet of any Liberalian government administration shall not be abridged. - Clause 3. The right to organize opposition to the government shall not be abridged.

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