Clean and Safe Liberalia Act
From Liberalia Wiki
Clean and Safe Liberalia Act is a Liberalian Law.
[edit] The Bill
Section I: Amending the "Environment Act" - Clause 1. The Parliament of Liberalia hereby prohibits ocean dumping1 in Liberalian waters. - Clause 2. The Parliament of Liberalia hereby prohibits city dumps within a 40 kilometre radius of a municiplaity of 100,000 or more Liberalian citizens2. - Clause 3. The governments of all member states must regulate the emissions of harmful chemicals into the air to a satisfactory level, as to be deemed as such by the regional government. - Clause 4. The Parliament of Liberalia hereby mandates the use exclusive use of E10 or higher fuels3.
Section II: Empowerment of the Secretariat of Health - Clause 1. The Parliament of Liberalia hereby orders all regional corporations to conform to the following requirements:
- Print the contents of the food in a clearly visible area on food packaging.
- Print the active ingredient of the medicine in a clearly visible area on medicine packaging.
- The nutritional value of all foods and vitamin supplements must be written clearly in a visible area on their packaging.
- Possible chemicals, foods, or other ingredients that can provoke an allergic reaction in more than 100,000 regional citizens must be written clearly on their packaging.
- When asked by the regional government, all corporations' factories must go under inspection by regional authorities to show that their packaging methods conform to regional standards.
- Clause 2. The Secretariat of Health shall make sure that the requirements provided in Clause 1 of Section II are met. - Clause 3. The Secretariat of Health shall make recommendations of healthy food choices.
Section III: Repeal of the "Salts and Saturated Fats Content Act" - Clause 1. The "Salts and Saturated Fats Content Act" shall hereby be repealed.