Katrina Banks

From Levicorpus

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Hogwarts House
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[edit] Character Name

  • Name: Katrina Banks
  • Bloodine:pureblood (raise muggle)
  • Birthplace:'New Hampshire
  • Class:High
  • Year: 6
  • House: Ravenclaw
  • Wand:

[edit] Personality

A spoilled rotton dogmatic jerk. She is the james of of the group called Quads. She is intelligent but rarely gets good markings. She would rather spend her time divulged to Lily Evans to come up with pranks.

[edit] Physical Description

She had long straight  black hair and skin. Her eyes are green blue . 
She is slender.  She is also very graceful thanks to the dance and skating lessons she took when she was a child.  She also felt alone. She has never though of herself as pretty.   She thinks she is too tall and too skinny.  She thinks she have to eat nothing.  She hates when people recognise her from muggle movies. She just walk off  and or pretend they don't existed.

[edit] History

She has an amzing voice.   Her parents tried to trained  her and train her so se would become part of the acting buissness so they all travel around the world together. She got spoiled rotton.  At of four she started missing home life. By age of seven she come home but it was  never the same.   She felt that she had always missed out on the happiness of childhood.   Which is why some people belive she is so childish now.  She also be expelled from every America witch school  That why she behind Lily Evans one year.

[edit] School

[edit] Classes

  • Defense against dark
  • [Herbogly

(However many you want)

[edit] Astrology

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