LDI guidelines

From Ldiwiki

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Here you can find some help about this site about every kind of LDI website.
Here you can find some help about this site about every kind of LDI website.

Revision as of 21:32, 13 August 2006


Here you can find some help about this site about every kind of LDI website.

If you want to know what an LDI is, you may read The LDI concept



Feel free to add or change definitions. This ones are far away from being definitive.

  • LDI website: A site where people can organizate something together, where ideas develope eachselves.
  • LDIWiki: A wiki that applies the LDI principle.
  • LDIs: the projects added in a LDI website or Wiki
  • LDI net: a net of correlated projects, with LDI mothers, sisters and sons.
  • LDI mother: the main project of a jerarchical LDI net.
  • LDI sister: a project that has similar or complementar goals to an "LDI brother"
  • LDI son: a more little project that was part of a bigger one, that can grow independent of the "LDI mother"

How to edit an LDI

If you want to edit an LDI, find a short name for it, that defines your project, and add it as a link in the main page. Then, in the link you can begin developping your idea. If you want you can copy the structure of the Let's structure LDI and paste it in yours.

You may structure your LDI this way:

  • Description of the project
  • Sister and son projects
  • Why this project, why to join it
  • How to contribute
  • Story of the project while it goes on, reached goals
  • Next Goals
  • Statistics
  • Contributors
  • Documentation, link to other sites...

Let's example (an LDI exemple)

Let's structure (the basic structure of an LDI)

Let's try (a free LDI)


The simple rules of commonsense are in force in this website.


The 'main' language will be English, but every language is accepted in the LDI's.

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