Getting Started

From Lcswiki

When you start the game You'll be presented with a questionnaire, the answers you give will decide the statistics and skills of your LCS founding Member. Just pick the options you like, or if you are worried about not creating a useful character simply pick the same letter on each screen (they tend to be complimentary).

Once your founder is created, You'll appear in the Homeless Shelter located in the Industrial District, Your founder will be the only member of your Liberal Crime Squad, and will be in a one-(wo)man squad of the same name.

Theres several ways to continue fro here, but the two most common are to leave the shelter and recruit more people, or to raid a clothing sweatshop and Release Oppressed. Either is done by first selecting the squad you want to use (With the TAB key, very easy in this case, you have only one squad, and it is selected by default) and then pressing 'F' (for "Fight"). You will then be presented with a list of four districts, Downtown, University District, Industrial District, and the City Outskirts(which you need a car to get to). If you want to raid a sweatshop, you'll need to go to the industrial district, for early-game recruiting good places to go are the park in downtown, the juice bar in the university, various apartment buildings (any district but outskirts), and the crackhouses in industrial.

For example's sake, we'll recruit in the Crackhouses. go to industrial (option c) and change to the second page of the listing ('[' and ']' switch between pages) the should be three crackhouses at the bottom of the list, it doesn't really matter which one you go to. once you are done there, press 'w' (for "Wait") and you'll be told that the squad has arrived at the crackhouse, and the interface will switch to site mode.

in site mode, there is a map in the lower right, the details of your squad occupy the upper portion of the screen, the lower left will display any people that may be near you, and any immediently relevant actions that you might need to make ("Really pick the lock?", "Evade in which direction?", etc, etc) the middle left will display all the actions that are available to you.

To move around, use the WASXD keys (w=up, a=left, s=wait, d=right, x=down).

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