The Laws of the Land
From Lavosfantasy
- Characters are created with 350 points.
- Skill costs are as the multi-genre cost with the following exceptions:
-Foreign Culture costs 1 Point per level.
-Powerlifting costs 2 points per level.
- No more than one rank may be taken in Extra Actions at character creation.
- Many magical abilities are represented as spells, which are cast through Materia. These attributes have the Equipment Drawback at -1, Deplete at -1 or more, and more difficult spells may have Unpredictable(Always roll with Soul.) Other Materia provide passive benefits; these are built with Item.
- Summons are built as Companions with the Drawbacks of Materia, and generally at least one rank in Activation. It is suggested to emphasize on one or two Companions over a veritable Pokemon team of Summoned beings.
- Limit Breaks are represented by the Drawbacks Emotion -2(must be significant risk to oneself or an ally, or be under 1/3 Body Points.) and Restriction Recovery -2 or greater. Deplete is often appropriate as well.
New Attribute: Planetary Communion
Cost: 4 Points/Level
Relevant Stat: Soul
Progression: Linear
This Attribute represents an ability to commune with the memories and knowledge of the Planet directly. The best known owners of this attribute were the Cetra of old, who were in tune with the flow of Gaia's Lifestream. Levels in this Atribute are divided among the subcategories of Location, Clarity, and Vision. The first level automatically goes in Location, the other two default at zero.
With 1 in Location, the character can only commune in places that connect directly to the Planet's Lifestream, such as Mako Fountains and even in certain areas of Mako reactors. At 2 the character can do so at places with large amounts of Mako power, or in areas of undespoiled wilderness. At Level 3 the character can commune anywhere.
With 0 in Clarity, the messages received are brief and fragmentary, requiring a certain amount of interpretation. At level 1, the messages are straight forward, with a moderate amount of context. At Level 3, the messages are detailed and offer a rather thorough answer.
Level 0 in Vision manifests only as imageless thoughts in the Character's mind. Level 1 offers sight and sound. Level 2 offers all senses.