Cid Highwind

From Lavosfantasy

Name: Cid Highwind
Concept: Trashtalkin' Ex-Shinra pilot and Makotech genius.
CP: (350)


Body: 8
Mind: 8
Soul: 5

HP: 65
EP: 65
SV: 13

Damage Multiplier: 5 (7 w/ Dragon's Honor)

ACV: 7
DCV: 7


Features(Eidetic Memory, Lightning Calculator, Speed Reading, Appearance, Shock Value +5): 5

Item (Spear: Dragon's Honor): 25

-Weapon "Spear" (Penetrating 2): 3 (5)

-Weapon "Grenade Launcher" (Area 2, Range 2, Ammo 2): 4 (6)

-LIMIT: Dragon Dive (Penetrating 5, Range 2, Emotional Trigger 2): 5 (6)

-LIMIT: Mad Bomber(Area 3, Targets 3, Range 3, Ammo 3, Emotional Trigger 2, Restriction 2: Must have enough room for missles to go all the way up and come back down.): 6 (13)

-Massive Damage: 2 (20)

Item (Highwind Style Utility Belt): 16

-Force Field "Barrier Materia" (Depleting 2, Area 2, Duration 4): 6 (28)

-Portable Armory: 2

-Features: 2 (Universal Toolkit)

Jumping: 2 (4)

Superstrength: 1 (8)


Acrobatics(Jumping): 3 (9)

Architecture (Buildings): 4 (4)

Area Knowledge(Midgar): 4 (4)

Artisan(Metalworking): 3 (3)

Computers (Programming, Hacking, Building, Salvaging): 5 (10)

Driving(Armored Vehicle, Motorcycle, Car, Small Truck, Big Rig): 4 (10)

Electronics(Robotics): 3 (6)

Mechanics (Aeronautics, Automotive, Gunsmith, Armourer, Mako): 8 (18)

Military Sciences(Hardware): 4 (8)

Navigation(Air): 4(8)

Physical Sciences(Engineering): 6 (6)

Piloting (Airship): 6 (12)


Addiction(Cigarettes): -1

Wanted: -4

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