Larry Hirst on areas of interest for IBM UK: Energy and Climate (23-Jul-07)

From Lauraibm

MI Summary

There is a belief that IBM in the UK has the opportunity to help shape the company’s position on energy and climate change. The UK has seen a number of achievements in the first half of 2007, for example, a tool has been developed to help companies measure their carbon footprint, a Green Consulting group has been set up which opens up huge customer opportunity and a Green Data centre has been announced in South Bank which provides advice to clients on best practise for data centre cooling. In addition to this IBM in the UK has also ensured that 100% of energy is supplied from renewable sources, this highlights the organisations commitment to facing environmental challenges proactively, allowing them to be an environmentally responsible vendor.

Text of Article

"... That leads me onto the next topic, one which I believe we can be proud of as a company and one which I passionately believe should be at the top of all our minds: Energy & Climate.

There are clear societal, environmental and legislative cases for tackling climate change, and it has become a business necessity to reduce carbon emissions.

This is an issue that affects us all, as individuals, as a company and as a nation.

IBM has never been afraid to lead from the front on many issues facing business and society. It is what is expected of us as an industry leader, and we know it is the right thing to do.

Given our national position on this global issue, I believe we in the UK have the opportunity to help establish leadership and excitement by shaping the company's position on energy and climate change.

IBM globally has committed to redirecting $1 billion per year across its businesses, to mobilise our resources to dramatically increase the level of energy efficiency in IT.

Many of our clients and our competitors have already made substantial commitments to managing their carbon footprint.

Our clients' commitments open up new and exciting business opportunities - whether it's helping our clients to save costs or helping them show to their own customers that they are committed to the environment.

So, what are we doing here in the UK ? Well, we've been busy

Here a few examples of what we have achieved during the last quarter:

Did you know that we have developed a tool to help companies measure their carbon footprint?

We have also set up a Green Consulting group with Centre of Excellence status which opens up a huge customer opportunity for all of us and this will be UK driven, using the vast resources and Intellectual Property we have in this country.

We in the UK can be proud to have recently announced a Green Datacentre in South Bank designed to help us to advise our clients on best practise for data centre cooling.

As an organisation we also need to be mindful of the environment and I appreciate that there's much more to be done. One example of what we have done is ensured that 100% of our energy is supplied by renewable resources.

In Q2 RESO (Real Estate Site Operations) launched its 5 year strategic green plan which focuses on travel, energy and waste reduction. A green driving website has also been launched and includes articles on greener ways to drive and the first steps to buying a 'green' car.

So please take some time and find out how you can support our Energy & Climate effort.

These are small steps, and I know with your support, as a company we can make a big difference..."

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