Thurston Post Office

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The Thurston General Store and Post Office, c. 1900 (Photo: Courtesy Springfield Museum)
Thurston Post Office
Building Description
ConstructionMarch 16, 1877
Original Owner
Initial Use
Square Footage
AreaThurston area
Zip Code97482
Historical Importance Distinctions
First Thurston post office

[edit] History

Although not included within the Springfield city limits at the time, the Thurston post office in the Thurston area was established on March 16, 1877, with Thomas H. Hunsaker as postmaster (Jones 1958:33). Across from the store was a blacksmith shop run by Claude Yancey, Thurston’s first blacksmith. (Jones 1985:33-34).

Early on, the general store was used as a stopping place for stages and freighters plying the route between Eugene and the mines and resorts to the east. Passengers would spend the night in rooms above the store, and horses were cared for at Charles Hastings’ coach stop across the street from the elementary school. On occasion, Alma Hastings would rent rooms and serve dinners in the house next to the coach stop. The general store served all the needs of the community. Groceries, dry goods, buggy whips and other notions and “remedies” were sold (Jones 1985:34).

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