Adams, Oscar P

From Lane Co Oregon


A well-known resident of Cottage Grove, was born in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, in 1828, a son of Isaac and Sophronia (Lydda) Adams, natives of New York and Vermont respectively. His parents removed to Pennsylvania about 1826 and remained there until 1834, when they went to Tecumseh, Michigan. There were thirteen children in the family, Oscar P. being the eldest. He attended the district school during the winter and in the summer he assisted his father on the farm. In 1854 he left his home and friends and started across the plains to Oregon, paying $50 to John H. Stevens to be taken, and doing service in addition. They went via the Barlow route and arrived at Foster's September 12. Mr. Adams then went to southern Oregon in the fall of 1854. In the spring of 1855 he was engaged by the United States Government as head packer during the Indian war, as he had no gun. He carried flour from Bear creek mills to the quartermaster wherever located. He first commenced mining in the fall of 1854 at Althouse, and mined there until the Indian war broke out in 1855. After the Indian war was closed he came back to Althouse in 1856 and mined there until 1858. He then returned to the Willamette valley, and in partnership with A. H. Spare he purchased 640 acres, a portion of which became the town site of Cottage Grove.

Mr. Adams was married in 1861, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Saylor, daughter of Sydney Saylor, a pioneer of 1853. Settling upon a ranch, his chief interests have been in agriculture. He has made frequent trips to the mountains to pass a summer in prospecting, never having lost his old love for mining. In 1876 he discovered the cinnabar mines in the Calipoosa mountains, and in 1890 he located the Ophir and summit gold quartz claims in the Bohemia mining district, which show rich prospects and which are now being developed. The partnership with Mr. Spare was dissolved in 1864 and the land divided, Mr. Adams retaining 120 acres. The death of Mrs. Adams occurred June 30, 1870. She left a family of six children: Levica H., wife of Charles Viles; Mary A., wife of George Hollay; Lucy M.; Lydia S., wife of Charles Van Buren; Theodocia, wife of Frank Cathcart; Hattie, wife of Wilbur McFarland. Mr. Adams was married again November 23, 1873, to Miss Minerva Cromwell.

He is a member of Cottage Grove Lodge, No. 51, A.F. & A.M. He has been actively interested in Republican politics, but has avoided all connection with public office, preferring the duties of his farm and other private enterprises.

Hines, H. K. "An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon." Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1893. p. 485.

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