McCulley, John E
From Lane Co Oregon
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Unknown Newspaper, Possibly Springfield News, after February 13, 1967
McCulley to Be Sworn in At Meeting
John McCulley will be sowrn in as mayor of Springfield as the first order of business at tonight's city council meeting.
MCCulley was selected unanimously to fill the post by council members atan executive session Friday noon. He formerly served as council president and will replace David Scofield, who died February 12.
At the meeting McCulley said, "It is an extreme hnor to serve as mayor of the city and with an excellent council." He will serve the remainder of Scofield's term which expires in December of 1968.
McCulley was elected to the council in November of [l964]] from Ward 4. A resident of Springfield since 1948, he is a real estate appraiser for Blinkhorn Associates of Eugene. A widower with five children, he lives with his family at 1290 I Street.
The advance of McCulley leaves two city positions to be filled. The new mayor and present council members will select a new councilman from Ward 4, and a present councilman will be elected to the vacated council president post.
McCulley had requested tht the council act quickly in the appointment of a new councilman, but several members at Friday's short session said they would rather not "rush" into an appointment, but wait for at least a week to allow for careful consideration.
The qualifications of three potential candidates were discussed briefly and councilmen indicated they would be glad to hear from any other Ward 4 residents who might be interested in accepting the position:
In asking for action soon on appointment of a new councilman, the newly-elected mayor said there are a number of pressing problems facing the city now including prepartion fora $975,000 civic complex bond issue on March 21, election of a new city manager and a study of a salary schedule for city employees.
Springfield News, Unknown Date, 68th Year, No. 123
Mayor John McCulley conducted his final meeting as the city's top official Monday night and turned over his gavel to his successor, Council President Darwin Courtright, at the conclusion of the meeting. Courtright commended McCulley for his "leadership and dedicated service" before presenting him with a wrist watch, a gift from council members.
Springfield News, November 6, 1968
And They Re-Elect McCulley
Incumbent Springfield Mayor John E. McCulley easily won re-election in voting Tuesday with 5,637 votes to 1,658 for his challenger, Floyd G. Emerson.
Another incumbent, Robert L. Ackerman, beat Tom R. Johnson, former city engineer, in the Ward 4 councilman race. Ackerman garnered 4,001 votes to 2,569 for his opponent.
However, Johnson had one consolation election night. He learned that his son, Chris, a Phoenix lawyer and one-term Arizona state senator, was overwhelmingly re-elected in Tuesday's election. Johnson said he and his wife are "very proud" of their son.
In the race between newcomers to the local political scene William Rogers won handily over Jan C. Walling for the Ward 5 council post. Rogers polled 3,816 votes while Walling mustered 2,671.
Darwin Courtright was unopposed for the Ward 6 council seat and received 6,146 votes.
Two members were re-elected to the Springfield Utility Board. Melvin Bryson, present board chairman, received 5,145 votes, sand Ulla D. Brendel got 3,548.
A $675,000 10-year serial levy for improvements to the Springfield Fire Department was approved by a 740-vote margin. The final tally was 3,872 for the levy and 3,132 against.
Passing by a narrow margin was a city charger amendment to provide for a mapped streets act. The measure was approved by 144 votes 3,489 to 3,345. It will allow the city to prepare a map showing proposed future street plans, which will be adopted following public hearings.
City Manager Claude Malone said Wednesday morning the city would begin almost immediately to establish priorities in the fire department capital improvement program, consuloting with the state fire insurance rating bureau to determine what programs should come first.
"We want to have as much done point wise as we can when the bureau comes in to rate us," Malone told the news.
The prospect of a re-rating within two years by the bureau and the probability that Springfield would be dropped to a lower rating prompted the placing of the serial levy on the ballot.
McCulley said he was "very pleased" with the voting results on the two charger amendments because "both are important to the city." He added that he had conferred with new councilman, William Rogers, this morning and invited Rogers to visit city officer today.
Rogers wryly commented that one of the first things he did this morning was pay a fine for parking overtime at a meter while he was visiting city hall.
Register-Guard, 1970
Farewell to Mayor McCulley
John McCulley, who resigned as Springfield's mayor Monday night, did not receive the usual engraved gavel memento from the city staff. The gavel given the mayor was made of peeler core and bed post. City Manager N.L. "Pat" Teague said it weighs 40 pounds. The council did present McCulley with a more traditional gift- a gold watch for his service to the city. Council President Darwin Courtright (left) is expected to succeed McCulley as mayor for the remaining year of a four-year term.
Springfield News, January 17, 1972
Mayor's Final Message Tonight: McCulley Wants More Citizen Cooperation
By Warren Hill
"I hope 1972 will be the turning point in the modern history of Springfield -- a year when provincial attitudes of portions of the city will cease, and the entire city can work together for the betterment of the total community," Mayor John McCulley states in his annual message o the people.
The message, to be presented at a regular meeting of the city council tonight, will be in the nature of a "swan song" as the mayor officially resigns from the office today.
Last month, McCulley announced that he would relinquish the post because of the press of personal business. He will be succeeded by Darwin Courtright, who is president of the council.
The meeting, open to the public, will get under way at 7:30 p.m. in the Springfield Utility Board building meeting room.
"The surface of Springfield's potential has merely been scratched, but the potential of the city can only be tapped through the combined efforts of every individual working toward a common goal," the mayor will continue.
Toward this purpose, the mayor last fall formed a Community Goals Committee comprised of lay citizens to study various aspects of the city's future.
McCulley will note in his message tonight:
"When these goals are established, we must all dedicate our efforts to reaching these plateaus of achievement. The city cannot move ahead while its citizens are either pulling against each other, or not pulling at all. The quality of one's community can be only as good as the amount of effort each person is willing to put forth to protect and upgrade his surroundings.
"This commitment to coordinate effort must also be demonstrated by the governmental agencies in the city. Many things are taking place to facilitate this cooperation, and there is always more that can be done.
"Mention has been made of a new government administration building to house city, school, and park district offices. The city is now forced to rent office space as its facilities became overcrowded to the point of inefficiency. The school district offices are housed in a 50-year old school building and the park district is in dire need of additional space. The Council must depend on the generosity of the utility board even to have a place to holds its meetings.
"I would hope the proposal to construct a facility to house all of these offices could be solidified during this coming year.
"Unfortunately, I find it impossible to continue as your mayor and direct the events of the coming year. However, I will take this opportunity to dedicate myself as a private citizen to the effort of bringing the city together and moving toward common goals.
"We hear much talk of the rights of the individual, but we must never lose sight of each person's responsibility to those who live around them. Each citizen of this city must recognize his stake in the overall betterment of their community -- they must accept responsibility.
"The past few years have seen certain divisive factors impeding progress this city might otherwise enjoy. I think it is time for the divergent elements of this city to unite in the common effort to allow the city to reach its full potential in the years to come."
In a review of the past year, McCulley will note that 1971 was a year of growth, with a population increase from 27,047 to 27,927 and a $15 million hike in assessed valuation.
He will also point out that the city tax rate dropped for the third year in a row, with a present rate of $5.57 per $1,000, a drop of 32 cents over the previous year.
"In the area of traffic safety, we can be thankful for the successful efforts of the traffic and police departments that resulted in a 7 1/2 per cent decrease in accidents during 1971," he will point out.
In addition to hearing the mayor's message, the council will act on proposed amendments to existing ordinances that would set new standards for perimeter streets, revise the subdivision ordinance to require underground utilities and street lights in new housing developments, and phase out by August 1 non-conforming advertising signs three by five feet or less, and eliminate portable "sandwich board" signs.
They also will receive a plan for development of the Reed-Calef-Larson tract in the northwest Springfield, that will allow developers to finance public improvements. The plan will go to the planning commission for consideration.
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