From Lane Co Oregon

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1880s: 1870s 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890s

Lane County


  • The Oregon Railway Limited sells Coburg Line to Southern Pacific. Narrow rails are removed

and standard line is built. A bridge from the Snake River is installed across the McKenzie River and the line continues into Springfield.

  • Johnny Diamond donates his land donation claim to form the City of Coburg. Isaac Van Duyn plats the new city on a grid pattern.


  • The I.O.O.F. built their first lodge at North A and Mill. The lodge later housed the jail, city council chambers and the volunteer fire department. Springfield Lodge, NO. 70, I.O.O.F.- was organized October 24, 1881, with the following charter members: J.M. Cornelius, T.O. Maxwell, D.T. Prichard, J.R. Campbell, John Lenger. The first officers were: T.O. Maxwell, N.G.; J.M. Cornelius, V.G.; J.R. Campbell, Sec.; D.T. Prichard, Treas.; A.S. Hamilton, War.; W.R. Walker, Con.; J.W. Gordon, I.G.; W.B. Pengra, R.S.N.G.; A.D. Burton, L.S.N.G.; J.E. Ebert, R.S. V. G.; A.S. Walker, L.S.V.G.; G.M. Cooper, R.S.S.; L.J. Cornelius, L.S.S. The Odd-Fellows Hall in Springfield is at the corner of at North A and Mill and is twnty-four by sixty-five feet. The present menbership numbers thirty, while the officers for the current term are: W.B. Pengra, N.G.; W.R. Walker, V.G.; L.S. Gordon, Rec. Sec.; A.S. Walker, Per. Sec.; A.D. Burton, Treas.; J. Simmons, War.; G.E. Lyne, Con.; William McBee, I.G.; W.Land, O.G.; T.O. Maxwell, R.S. N.G.; W. Stoops, L.S.N.G.; Charles Baxter, R.S.V.G.; J.E. Ebert, L.S.V.G.; John Laird, R.S.S.; J.W. McBee, L.S.S. The lodge meets every Saturday evening.
  • The Springfield Main Street Bridge was flooded out and replaced in 1881. The new structure featured a Smith truss bracing system and 220-foot span (Special Collections n.d.: Box 66-20, Folder 7A/B).
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