Champions: "Breakout"

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Champions: “Breakout”

Zzzzzzzzzzttttt…… “As lights were seen above Canada, we ask.. UFO’s or Military experiments again? More on this; and this week’s weather forecast, gloomy or clear? Coming up on British News Line at 10”..

Zzzzzttt… “This is Katie Tien with Chinese Morning News.. We weren’t expecting it, but the rain is upon us, so pack up your trunks and grab your umbrellas, because it’s a wet one out there…

10 Years Ago, London…

Ian crouched behind the crate and whispered to himself, “Bloody Hell, how do I always get myself into these situations? This woman has murdered nine people tonight, and this is the closest we’ve been to capturing her in months! And to top it all off, it’s raining cats and dogs out here! They don’t pay me enough for this.” Ian took a moment to look up and take in the rain. There was something unusual about this particular storm, it was the middle of July and the forecast had shown clear skies, then it seemed like the rain came out of nowhere.

Something else nagged him about the rain, the feel of it. It was greasy and almost warm, and each drop seemed to sting his skin. He opened his mouth to taste the drops, and thought to himself, “That taste, it’s almost metallic. Weird.”

So engrossed was he in the storm, that he failed to notice the slight footfall behind him. “Looking for someone?” Said a sultry voice next to his ear, so close he felt the warmth on it. He started and began to turn, raising his gun, she made a swiping motion bringing her hand down, Ian felt a burning pain in his right forearm, his hand went numb and he dropped his gun. She thrust out her arm and he felt a pain shoot through his gut. Before Ian could recover, she brought her right foot up and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, knocking his breathe out and forcing him to the ground on his back.

She stood over him, and gazed at him with a look of calm on her face. It was then Ian noticed the weapon that had caused so much pain to him, a sickle, dripping with his blood. She leaned forward and placed a heeled foot on his chest, pressing the pointed heel into Ian’s chest. “Hmm.. I’ve never gutted a pig quite as large as you, Lovely.” She licked his blood from the sickle and laughed, a maniacal, almost inhuman laugh; which increased in intensity. Ian couldn’t believe this was how he was going to die, at the hands of this crazy woman, with a damn bloody sickle.

She thrust her head towards the sky, and the laughing ceased. She simply stood there and stared into the clouds. Ian, recovered his senses, grabbed his gun and fired a shot into her chest. She looked forward with a blank stare; never making a noise, dropped to her knees, and fell to the ground, bleeding onto the asphalt. “Bloody Hell,” Ian muttered just before he passed out.

10 Years Ago, Japan…

Master Yamamoto sat cross-legged in deep meditation, focusing on his inner self, yet being very aware of his every surrounding. The cool air, whipping hair; which he kept in the traditional top knot style. He listened to the students practicing their various forms and styles, and turned his attention to the rock on which he sat. He felt it’s every bump and indent, and searched for a weakness in the seemingly impenetrable surface.

He then brought his thoughts to the rain, its pace, its power and the feel of it on his skin. He sensed something unusual, and focused on it. The rain tingled where it landed on his skin, and it had a scent, almost toxic. Master Yamamoto opened his eyes and peered into the clouds overhead, he noticed a variance in colors, a reddish hue striation through the clouds, like veins. “How very, very odd,” he though.

July 18th, Now…

“We’re about to hear from U.N. Representative, Torrey Knight.”

“Ladies and gentleman, I realize there are a lot of questions and concerns regarding the breakouts across the countries, that happened less than a week ago, and you are wondering what we, as your leaders are doing to resolve this situation. Many of you have lost family and friends, to meaningless brawls and criminal acts. Some of you have members that have just disappeared, and to all those families affected, we send out our thoughts and prayers.”

“Allied Nations are working together to determine the cause of this “Breakout”, and as of yet, the root cause is still unknown. We believe this to be the work of Terrorists, or some other deranged group, but all we can safely determine is that most incidents have been due to people showing abnormal Meta abilities. It’s because of these facts, that the Allied Nations are launching the Super Powered Agents Relief Team of the Allied Nations. This S.P.A.R.T.A.N. Program will enlist the help of our Worlds Greatest Heroes. We have already dispatched numerous military personnel from England, China, Africa, Italy and the US; to help assist in capture and neutralization of the threat at hand.”

“We hope the Heroes of this World understand and appreciate the level of severity regarding this situation, and we challenge them to lend their considerable strengths in ending this War against the innocent people of the World. Their great powers may be pushed as never before.”

“To the families who have felt the impact of this catastrophe, we will do everything in our power to find any missing relatives, and to help rebuild homes, and businesses. If you have received a loss of any kind, please contact your local Congress-Person for information on the U.N. Relief Program. “

“To the Heroes, we thank you for all you do, and look forward to working in preserving our way of life and protecting this wonderful world we share together. To the criminals who have escaped, we offer you one chance to surrender on your own. If you do so, you will receive a fair and lenient trial. If you do not, you will be hunted down and captured by whatever means necessary, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A word to any criminals who have caused death or destruction, the terror you’ve created will come to an end. We view your attacks as a war against our people, and you will feel our wrath if you resist. The choice is yours.”

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