Kagemori Kaijou

From Kokorodatabase


Kagemori Kaijou is a full-blooded demon who helps his family maintain the famed Sutori Cafe. Though he's currently an NPC, being roleplayed only when called for (such as whenever the other mages aren't available ICly, or whenever people are inside Sutori), Kai still has a reputation among the cafe crowd as that 'guy who doesn't look demonish' or as the boy who used to be obsessed with Ari.


[edit] Profile

  • Name Translation: "Kage" - Shadow, "Mori" - Forest, "Kaijou" - Of the Sea
  • Nicknames: Kai
  • Signature Colors: Black, Blue
  • Age: 18
  • Race: Demon
  • Birthday: December 10
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius/Sheep (based on birth year)
  • Grade: 12th [at Hoshizen, he's a Sage]
  • Hair Color: Black (he dyes the ends of his bangs blue)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
  • Weight: [unknown]
  • Likes: cooking, hanging out with his friends, learning new spells, pulling the occasional prank,
  • Dislikes: rude/angry customers, being a waiter, karaoke, being mistaken for a vampire
  • Favorite foods: Raspberries, grilled chicken
  • Least favorite foods: Eggplant
  • Blood Type: B
  • Talents: Decent cook, able to snuff lights without effort, can play the saxophone

[edit] Mage Information

Because of his demon heritage, Kaijou was able to easily cast magic. For him, though, the magic energy resulted in his more humanoid appearance - his wings look more like fallen angel wings, his eyes more like a human's, and so forth. It seems that Kaijou doesn't mind too much, as whenever he's truly weak, his true appearance shows, and he can use his more powerful spells and abilities.

[edit] Weapon

  • Impact Sphere: As weird as it sounds, Kaijou's weapons are floating silver balls. Not much is known about them, as Kai hasn't been shown in battle yet, Kokoro or otherwise.

[edit] Abilities

  • Restore Dark: Like with most mages, if Kai is hit with dark magic, it heals him instead of dealing normal damage.
  • Despair: Unlocks Kaijou's true appearance when he's close to being KO'ed. When this occurs, Kai can use an attack known as 'Dark Reign', as well as heal himself in the shadows if needed.
  • Standing Glyphs: Kaijou usually casts most of his spells using glyphs. (For mages, they consider glyphs old fashioned) This means that while his spells are somewhat slower, they make up for it in power.

[edit] Signature Attacks

  • Dark Sphere: Kai uses his weapons to inflict damage on the foe.
  • Gloaming's Approach: Kaijou falls to the ground, speedcasting a glyph onto the floor. The sky immediately becomes twilight, hitting the foe with falling pieces of the sky. Time ceases after the spell, allowing Kaijou or the player to have a mage battle without interruptions from the norms.
  • Dark Reign: Kaijou uses his true form to inflict heavy, often un-avoidable damage in the foe's direction in any way possible. He either slashes with his long, claw-like nails, speedcasts a glyph and uses magic, or a combination of both. This form lasts until Kaijou is either KO'ed, or the battle ends.

[edit] Unison Attacks

  • Twilight's Match: Unison attack with Marche Lennox. Marche closes in on the foe and attacks with rapid blows while Kaijou attacks from a distance with his dark magic. Since Marche's an angel, there's a high chance that Kaijou's magic element changes to twilight during the attack to inflict more damage.

[edit] Stats

  • Strengths: Evasion, Mentality
  • Average: Speed, Technique, Defense
  • Weaknesses: Focus

[edit] Trivia

  • Kaijou seems to be one of the few demons who takes high offense if he's mistaken for a vampire.
  • His character design was heavily based off Saica's intrepreation of a mage!Robin from Teen Titans. That design, in turn, was influenced slightly by Tales of Symphonia's Lloyd and Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z's Boomer.
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