
From Kokorodatabase

To be put simply, Darkwave is the name for the Kokoro Trading Card Game within the Kokoro fandom. Not many within Kokoro still play the game to this day, as it had eventually lost steam and popularity. However, Mizuhara Minoru is still an avid player. Basic rules and gameplay are not unlike that of the Pokemon TCG, or even Yuugiou.

Like many TCGs, booster packs and what-not are released every so often. Rare cards are given through special events, or even by chance in a booster pack.

[edit] Types of Cards

  • Characters (Level 01): These cards typically depict humans and persons in their normal (street clothes) forms. The cards may come with basic abilities or ties to other characters if the people themselves have a strong bond.
  • Characters (Level 02+): [Evolution] Typically Mew forms and Mage forms of the characters. Many more cards can be equipped at this point, HP increases and the abilities associated with the cards become stronger.
  • Characters (Level XX): Typically gijinka forms. Abilities and HP can either increase or decrease, but a whole new set of abilities can be used this way.
  • Events: Event cards can do various things. The "location" of the fight can be changed to give certain characters "home team" advantages, the event could mean a test between players or characters, or the event could mean that players discard or draw extra cards. Events can do lots of things, so you really just have to rely on luck.
  • Items: Pretty self-explanatory. Items can either be used to alter states or they can be weapons (etc) that can be equipped to characters to make an event happen or to gain more abilities and magic spells.

[edit] Trivia

  • Heavens knows where the name 'Darkwave' came from... it was most likely something thought up on the spur of the moment, if nothing else.
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