... Organizational Learning Frameworks

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== '''[[#A|A]]''' ==
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== '''[[#B|B]]''' ==
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== '''[[#C|C]]''' ==
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== '''[[#D|D]]'''  ==
*[http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/dccom_de Daimler-Benz] - The Master Plan for Learning  
*[http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/dccom_de Daimler-Benz] - The Master Plan for Learning  
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== '''[[#E|E]]''' ==
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== '''[[#F|F]]''' ==
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== '''[[#G|G]]''' ==
*Gabor/Feher - The Enhanced KM Cycle
*Gallagher/Hazlett - The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
*Gallagher/Hazlett - The Knowledge Management Formula
*Gallupe - Knowledge Life Cycle Framework
*[http://www.gartner.com/ Gartner Group] - KM Framework
*Geib/Kutsch - Lebenszyklus der Organisation von Wissensmanagement
*Gentsch - Bausteine des Wissensmanagements
*GFT Systems - KM Projektphasen
*Ghalib - Generic Dynamic Model For Systemic Knowledge Management
*Giraldo - Model for KM
*Girard - The Inukshuk
*Gold et al - KM Capabilities and Organizational Effectiveness
*Goodfellow ([http://www.accesskm.com/ Access Systems Consulting]) - The Knowledge Organization Model and Knowledge Cycle
*Gora, Hecken & Partner - Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von WM
*Gottschalk - Preliminary KM research model
*Gottschalk - The Knowledge Management Technology (KMT) Stage Model
*Gray/Chan - A Framework for Knowledge Management Practices
*Greenwood - 6 C's of the Knowledge Supply Chain
*Grover/Davenport - A Pragmatic Framework for KM Research
*Grover/Davenport - KM Process Framework
*Grundstein00 - Knowledge Capitalizing Cycle
*Grundstein03 - Model for Global Knowledge Management within the Enterprise
*Gundry ([http://www.knowab.co.uk/ka Knowledge Ability]) - Knowledge Line
*Gruvberger/Malmborg - The Blossom of Knowledge Management
*Güldenberg - Wissensmanagement in lernenden Organisationen  
*Güldenberg - Wissensmanagement in lernenden Organisationen  
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#H|H]]''' ==
*Hales - Knowledge Processes
*Hall - Architecture of a Knowledge Management System for Inquiring Organizations
*Handzic - Integrated KM Framework
*Hasan - Activity-based KM Framework
*Hasenkamp/Roßbach - Phasenmodell der Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Hatakama/Terano - Knowledge Chain Model
*Haun - Wissensbasiertes Modell
*Hauß - Reifegrade im Wissensmanagement
*Heck - KM-Phasenmodell
*Hedlund/Nonaka - The N-Form Organization
*Hefke/Trunko - K3M
*Heilmann - Phasenmodell zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Heimig et al (GiPP) - Wissenskreislauf
*[http://www.hp.com Hewlett-Packard] - Generic Knowledge Management Methodology and Process
*Hippner - Phasenmodell des Wissensmanagements
*Hjertzén/Toll - knowledge process; The KM-Process
*Hendriks - A knowledge-centred framework for valuing KBS
*Herbst - Managementprozess und Kernschritte des Wissensmanagements
*Herder et al ([http://www.motorola.com/ Motorola]) - Knowledge management rainbow
*[http://www.heyde.ch/ Heyde AG] - EKM-Vorgehensmodell
*Heyman ([http://www.deloitte.com Deloitte Consulting]) - Knowledge Asset Life Cycle
*Hilse - Value chain of knowledge management
*Hilse - Wissensmanagement-Modell
*Hilse/Soukup - Referenzmodell Wissensmanagement
*Hjelmervik/Kirkemo - Faros – The structure of Knowledge Management
*Hofer-Alfeis/van der Spek ([http://www.siemens.de/ Siemens]/[http://www.cibit.com/ CIBIT]) - Knowledge Strategy Process
*Holm Jessen - A Knowledge Process, KM Framework
*Holmqvist - Framework of learning in imiganary org  
*Holmqvist - Framework of learning in imiganary org  
*Holsapple/Joshi - A three-fold KM Framework
*Holsapple/Jones - Advanced Knowledge Chain Model
*Holsapple/Singh - Knowledge Chain Model
*Hong/Kuo - Corporate learning and knowledge management model  
*Hong/Kuo - Corporate learning and knowledge management model  
*[http://www.hummingbird.com/ Hummingbird] - Knowledge Management Value Chain
*Hung et al - The KMM Pyramid Model and KM Readiness Model
*Hussi - A reconfigured model of knowledge management
*Huysman - Processes of Kinstitutionalization in relation to OL  
*Huysman - Processes of Kinstitutionalization in relation to OL  
*[http://www.hoytconsulting.com/ Hyot Consulting] - Knowledge Creation Cycles
*[http://www.hyperwave.com/ Hyperwave] - Wissenstransferzyklus
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#I|I]]''' ==
*[http://www.ibermatica.com/ Ibermatica] - KM Methodology, Implementation Steps
*[http://www.ibm.com/ IBM] - The Pillars of KM
*[http://www.ibm.com/ IBM] - KM Framework
*[http://www.ibm.com/services/ IBM Global Business Services] - Plan for Knowledge-based Initiatives
*[http://www.iconaro.de/ iconaro] - Vorgehensmodell "k-dimensions"
*[http://www.ifem.de/ IfeM] - Der IfeM Wissensmanagement-Ansatz
*[http://www.ii3.com/ ii3] - Knowledge and KM Methodologies and Approach
*[http://www.iltis.de/ ILTIS GmbH] - Wissensmanagement
*[http://www.infocentric.org/ Infocentric] - The Knowledge Management Value Chain
*[http://www.infoplex-uk.com/ InfoPlex] - The Strategy/Knowledge/Infrastructure Model
*[http://www.siz.de/ Informatikzentrum der Sparkassenorganisation (SIZ)]/[http://www.pallas.de/ Pallas] - WM-Modell
*[http://www.infosys.com/ Infosys Technologies] - KMM Model, Knowledge Management Framework
*Inkpen/Dinur - Knowledge Management Processes
*[http://www.iaw-koeln.de/ Institut für angewandtes Wissen] - iaw-WissensIntegrator
*[http://www.iqm-europe.org/ IQM Europe GmbH] - IQM-Phasenmodell des Wissensmanagements
*[http://www.intel.com/ Intel] - WM-Implementierungsmethode
*[http://www.isoco.com/en/index.html ISOCO] - The Knowledge Flower
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#J|J]]''' ==
*Jarrar - KM Framework
*Johnston/Blumentritt - Knowledge-Information Cycle
*Jordan/Jones - The Knowledge Management Assessment Framework
*Jutla - Federal and Provincial KM infrastructure model for building knowledge and innovation infrastructure
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== '''[[#K|K]]''' ==
*Kalseth - The central components of strategic knowledge management
*Kampffmeyer ([http://www.project-consult.com/ PROJECT CONSULT]) - Der universelle Knowledge Engine
*Kaplan ([http://www.accsys-corp.com/ ACCSYS Corporation]) - Knowledge Life Cycle
*Karjalinen - Value-Based Knowledge Management Framework
*Kee et al. - Knowledge Process Model
*Kegelmann - Integrationsmodell intra- und interpersonalen Wissensmanagements in Organisationen
*Kim et al - Knowledge management framework
*Khalifa/Liu - KM research model
*King/Ko - The Information/Knowledge Value Chain Model
*Klimecki - Integratives Prozeß-Konzept des WM
*Klimecki/Thomae - Modell des Wissensmanagements
*Klimko - KM maturity Model
*KM Club - Knowledge Management Maturity Grid
*[http://www.knowledgebridge.ch/ Knowledge Bridge Consulting] - Strukturierte WM-Einführung
*[http://www.knowledgecompanyinc.com/ Knowledge Company] - Knowledge Chain Optimization Approach
*[http://www.knowledge-direct.de/ KnowledgeDirect Projekt-Konsortium] - Wissenslebenszyklus
*[http://www.k4b.ch/ K4B] - Integriertes WM Modell
*kBOS - KBOS Strategic Knowledge Management Approach
*Knowledge Interspace (now: [http://www.navigantconsulting.com/ Navigant Consulting]) - Knowledge Logistics
*[http://www.kmci.org/ KMCI] - the three-tier new KM model
*[http://www.kmquest.net/___KITS/___kits.html KITS consortium] - KM Quest Knowledge Management Model
*Knight/Howes - The five-stage KM delivery network
*[http://www.know-net.org/ Know-Net]  - KM Approach and Method
*[http://www.know-center.tugraz.at/ Know Center Graz] - WM Einführungs-Phasen-Modell
*Kopp - Wissensmanagement in der Neukundenakquisition im Firmenkundengeschäft
*[http://www.kpmg.com/ KPMG] - Knowledge programme management (KPMG)
*[http://www.kpmg.com/ KPMG]97 - KM Process
*[http://www.kpmg.com/ KPMG]99 - Knowledge Journey
*Krey - Acht Schritte zum Aufbau eines integrierten Wissensmanagement-Systems
*Krüger - Wissensleiter
*Kühn ([http://www.know.ch/ know.ch]) - Referenzmodell WM
*Kruger/Snyman - Knowledge management maturity model
*Kumta - KM framework
*Kutschera - Technologieunterstütztes Wissensmanagementmodell für den Berufstand der Wirtschaftstreuhänder
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*Liao - Extended PDSA loop for KM processes
*Lytras/Pouloudi - An integrated model for KM and learning convergence in knowledge intensive-organizations; Knowledge management and learning infrastructure in knowledge-intensive organizations
*Lytras et al - The revised knowledge management framework; The knowledge to learning transformation knowledge management framework

Current revision as of 10:09, 1 February 2007

  • Güldenberg - Wissensmanagement in lernenden Organisationen

  • Holmqvist - Framework of learning in imiganary org
  • Hong/Kuo - Corporate learning and knowledge management model
  • Huysman - Processes of Kinstitutionalization in relation to OL

  • Liao - Extended PDSA loop for KM processes
  • Lytras/Pouloudi - An integrated model for KM and learning convergence in knowledge intensive-organizations; Knowledge management and learning infrastructure in knowledge-intensive organizations
  • Lytras et al - The revised knowledge management framework; The knowledge to learning transformation knowledge management framework
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