KM Frameworks

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== Instructions for Editing ==
== Instructions for Editing ==
Adding a new framework:
Adding a new framework:
*[[Framework]]s are ordered by author. Authors can be individuals or institutions (e. g. companies, consultings, projects). Howerver, the gerneral structure sould be as following:
*[[Framework]]s are ordered alphabetically by author. Authors can be individuals or institutions (e. g. companies, consultings, projects). Howerver, the gerneral structure sould be as following:
**Author (Insitution) - Name of the Framework
**Author (Insitution) - Name of the Framework
**<u>Example:</u> Allweyer ([ IDS Scheer]) - Knowledge Process Reengineering  
**<u>Example:</u> Allweyer ([ IDS Scheer]) - Knowledge Process Reengineering  
*Add the [[framework]] at the right position of the list and link the 'Name of the Framework' to a new page
*Add the [[framework]] to the right position of the list and link the 'Name of the Framework' to a new page.
*On the created page insert following tag in the editing box:
*Open the [ style sheet's editor] in a new window, copy the code and paste it in the new page.
*[[Style sheet]] - here you will find how the page of a [[framework]] should be structured
*Now you can edit the page by replacing the content instructions written in italics with your contributions.
== Note ==
To draw a complete picture [[Integrated Frameworks]] are also included here.
== Contents ==
== [[#top|Contents]] ==
*[[KM Frameworks A-K]]
<center> [[#A|A]] | [[#B|B]] | [[#C|C]] | [[#D|D]] | [[#E|E]] | [[#F|F]] | [[#G|G]] | [[#H|H]] | [[#I|I]] | [[#J|J]] | [[#K|K]] | [[#L|L]] | [[#M|M]] | [[#N|N]] | [[#O|O]] | [[#P|P]] | [[#Q|Q]] | [[#R|R]] | [[#S|S]] | [[#T|T]] | [[#U|U]] | [[#V|V]] | [[#W|W]] | [[#X|X]] | [[#Y|Y]] | [[#Z|Z]] | [[#0-9|0-9]] </center>
*[[KM Frameworks L-X]]
*[[KM Frameworks 0-9; Symbols]]
== '''[[#A|A]]''' ==
*Abell/Oxbrow - Knowledge management strategy   
*Abou-Zeid - Three-layer knowledge management reference model
*[ Accenture] - Knowledge Management Modell
*Adelsberger/Bick - Wissensmanagement-Architektur
*[ add-all AG] - P3i-Methode
*Al-Laham - Bezugsrahmen eines strategischen Wissensmanagements
*Alavi/Leidner - Knowledge Management Process
*Albors - Project Phases and Nonaka/Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model
*Albrecht - Strategisches WM
*Allee ([ Verna Allee Assoc.])- Knowledge Complexity Framework
*Allweyer ([ IDS Scheer]) - Knowledge Process Reengineering
*Amelingmeyer - Erweitertes Modell des WM
*[ APQC]96 - Die sieben C´s des WM
*[ APQC]97 - Road Map to KM Results
*Anongkhanatrakul - Framework for Studying Organizational Knowledge Management Processes
*Apostolou/Mentzas - KM Framework
*Appleyard/Kalsow - The knowledge chain
*Apshvalka/Grundspenkis - Knowledge management process embedded in organizational life
*Armistead/Meakins - Framework for knowledge approaches
*Armutat et al - Vorgehensmodell WM
*[ Arthur Andersen Consulting] - Knowledge Management Planning Guide
*[ Arthur Andersen Consulting] - KM Framework
*[ Arthur Andersen Consulting]/[ APQC] - KM Assessment-Tool
*[ Arthur D. Little] - WM Ansatz
*[ AskMe Corp.] - Knowledge Chain Management Implementation Guide
*Auer ([ Auer Consulting]) - Management der Wissensarbeit
*Auer ([ Auer Consulting]) - Modifiziertes Wissensbausteinmodell nach Probst et al
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#B|B]]''' ==
*[ b-wise] - Modell für WM
*Bach/Österle - Modell des Business Knowledge Management
*Baek et al - KM Process
*Bair ([ Gartner Group]) - Knowledge Management Evolution
*Bair - The knowledge-process model
*Baker/Badamshina ([ US Department of Energy]) - Integrated Knowledge Management Model
*Baskerville/Pries-Heje - The Knowledge Capability Key Process Area (KPA) Framework
*Baumard - Knowledge Transformation
*Beck/Schornack - Systems Model of Knowledge Management
*Beckman - seven-stage process for knowledge management
*Bennet/Bennet - Knowledge Management Framework
*Bettoni/Schneider - The Wheel of Knowledge
*Bettoni et al - q.e.d. Mikro-Logik für Wissensmanagement-Projekte
*Beyer - Wissensmanagement
*Bhatt00 - Organizational knowledge development cycle
*Bhatt01 - Knowledge management process activities
*Bickmann - Knowledge Networking
*Bienzeisler et al - Aufgaben des Wissensmanagements im Kontext der Wissensarbeit
*Biloslavo/Zornada - System knowledge management framework
*Birkinshaw/Sheehan - Knowledge Life Cycle
*Bixler - Knowledge Management Enterprise Framework
*Blessing/Wallace - The knowledge life-cycle
*BockW - Knowledge creation cycle
*Bodendorf - Kernprozesse und Gestaltungsfelder des Wissensmanagements
*[ Boeing Phantom Works] - Integrated KM Frameworks
*Bohn - Stages of Knowledge Growth
*Bond - KM Model
*BondPL - Knowledge Creation Cycle
*[ Booz Allen & Hamilton] - KM Capability Building
*Bordt - Wissensmanagement in der Projektarbeit
*Botkin - Fluss des Wissensmanagements
*Bouthillier/Shearer - Conceptual KM framework
*Braun - Prozess und Abhängigkeit im WM
*[ British Petroleum] - Knowledge Enabled Performance Model
*[ British Standards Institute] - Guide to Good Practice in Knowledge Management
*[ British Standards Institute] - KM Framework of Good Practice and Analysis
*Bukowitz/Williams - KM Process Framework
*Bullinger et al ([ Fraunhofer IAO]) - Ganzheitliches Wissensmanagement
*Bures - KM-Beat-It methodology
*Burstein/Linger - Task Based Knowledge Management Framework
*Byounggu - Research Framework for KM
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#C|C]]''' ==
*C_sar (now: [ EDS]) - Vorgehensmodell des Wissensmanagement
*[ Cap Gemini] - Applied KM Framework
*Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Germany (now: [ Cap Gemini, Germany]) - Der modulare Beratungsansatz
*Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Netherlans (now: [ Cap Gemini, Netherlans]) - Practical KM Improvement Approach
*Carrillo et al - IMPaKT Framework
*Carlile - Framework for Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries
*CarlileLW et al (e-LITE Think Tank) - Enhanced Model of KM
*Carlucci et al - The knowledge value chain
*Carneiro - Influence of KM on innovation and competitiveness
*Cecez-Kecmanovic et al - Sensemaking model of knowledge management in organisation
*Chai - Preliminary Knowledge Management Framework
*Cho et al -KM Framework
*Choi/Lee - Research Model of KM
*Choo - KM (Planning) Framework
*Choo/Bontis - Framework for Srategic KM
*Clarica - Schematic View of KM
*Clases et al - A&O Perspektive auf WM-Grundprozesse
*Clases et al - Pyramidaler Aufbau des WM
*Clases/Wehner - Prozessebenen und Handlungsfelder im Wissensmanagement
*CLEVER Project Consortium - Framework for KM
*Claßen/Baratte - Prozesse des WM
*[ COGNEON] - Wissensaktivierung
*[ Comité Européen de Normalisation] - European Knowledge Management Framework
*[ Community Intelligence Labs] - The Wheel of Knowledge Ecosystems
*Cong/Pandya - Generic KM framework in the public sector
*[ CORMA Project Consortium] - CORMA KM-Model
*Cormican/O’Sullivan - The Knowledge Process
*Cotey - KM Continuum, Elements of a KM Program , KM Applications Matrix, Arsenal of KM Tools
*[ CSC Ploenzke] - WM Vorgehensmodell
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#D|D]]'''  ==
*d'Huy et al - JiT KM
*[ Daimler-Benz] - The Master Plan for Learning
*[ DaimlerChrysler] - Prozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement
*Dalkir - Integrated KM Cycle
*Davenport/Prusak - [[Working Knowledge]]
*de Gooijer - KM performance and behavior framework
*de Hoog et al. - The knowledge management cycle
*de Moor/Smits - Levels of Knowledge Management for a Community of Practice
*Debowski - Model of Strategic Knowledge Management
*[ Defence Research and Development Canada] - KM Cycle
*Della Schiava/Rees - Das Praxis-Wissensmanagement-Modell
*[ Delphi Group] - The Knowledge Chain Model
*del-Rey-Chamorro - Knowledge Flow in the Computer Support Environment
*Demarest - KM Process
*Derboven et al - Wissensmanagement als integrierender Ansatz
*Derr ([ Bayer AG]) - Phasenmodell des WM
*Despres/Chauvel - Sensemaking KM Model
*Despres/Chauvel - KM Event Chain
*[ Detecon] - Ganzheitliches Phasenmodell Knowledge Management
*Diakoulakis et al - Holistic KM approach
*Diebold (now: [ Detecon]) - Vorgehensmodell zum WM
*Dömer et al - Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung eines systemgestützten Wissensmanagements
*Donoghue et al - KM Framework
*Doz et al - Modell der 7 As des WM
*Duineveld et al - KM Model
*Dusman - KM Value Chain
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#E|E]]''' ==
*Earl - Knowing and Knowledge
*Eck - Prozessmodell des Wissensmanagements
*Eckardt/Plath - Vorgehensmodell für ein Projekt "Wissensmanagement"
*Efimova/Swaak - Knowledge Processes
*Egbu et al - A conceptual model of the main factors associated with knowledge management in project-based environments
*Elke - Innovative Arbeitsforschung und WM
*Engel - ganzheitliche Wissensgenerierung
*[ Ericsson Business Consulting] - KM Dynamics
*[ Ernst & Young] - Knowledge programme management
*[ Ernst & Young] - Knowledge Transformation Process
*[ European KM Forum] - EKMF KM Framework, General KM Implementation Approach
*[ European Foundation for Quality Management] - EFQM Framework for Knowledge Management
*[ EXPECT Projekt-Konsortium] - EXPECT-Vorgehensmodell
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#F|F]]''' ==
*[ FaktorWissen Projekt-Konsortium] - Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von WM in KMU
*Faulstich - Ablaufmodell des WM
*Fehér - KM Research Framework
*Firestone ([ Executive Information Systems]) - KM Framework Methodology
*Fleischer/Stepping - Entwicklungsstadien des Wissensmanagements
*Fohmann - Strategisches Wissensmanagement
*[ Forrester Research] - Stages of knowledge management
*[ FAWn Ulm] - Wissensmanagement als geregeltes System
*Forst - Wissensmanagement als kontinuierlicher Prozess
*Frank/Schauer - Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung softwareunterstützten WM
*Franken - Teilaspekte des WM
*[ Fraunhofer IPK CC WM] - Fraunhofer IPK-Referenzmodell des WM, Vorgehensmodell des Geschäftsprozessorientierten Wissensmanagement, CC WM Lösungshaus
*Freke - KM processes and context Analysis Framework
*Frey - Data, Information, Knowledge,Value-added knowledge processes, KM lifecycle
*Friedman ([ Emergence LLC]) - Increasing KM complexity adds value, Integrated KM, Phased Approach to KM
*Fu - The gap fulfilling-COST model of Knowledge chain management
*Fu - Integral KM model for SMEs
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#G|G]]''' ==
*Gabor/Feher - The Enhanced KM Cycle
*Gallagher/Hazlett - The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
*Gallagher/Hazlett - The Knowledge Management Formula
*Gallupe - Knowledge Life Cycle Framework
*[ Gartner Group] - KM Framework
*Gebert et al - Customer Knowledge Management Model, KM (goal) Pyramid
*Geib/Kutsch - Lebenszyklus der Organisation von Wissensmanagement
*Gentsch - Bausteine des Wissensmanagements
*GFT Systems - KM Projektphasen
*Ghalib - Generic Dynamic Model For Systemic Knowledge Management
*Giraldo - Model for KM
*Girard - The Inukshuk
*Gold et al - KM Capabilities and Organizational Effectiveness
*Goodfellow ([ Access Systems Consulting]) - The Knowledge Organization Model and Knowledge Cycle
*Gora, Hecken & Partner - Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von WM
*Gottschalk - Preliminary KM research model
*Gottschalk - The Knowledge Management Technology (KMT) Stage Model
*Gray/Chan - A Framework for Knowledge Management Practices
*Greenwood - 6 C's of the Knowledge Supply Chain
*Grover/Davenport - A Pragmatic Framework for KM Research
*Grover/Davenport - KM Process Framework
*Grundstein00 - Knowledge Capitalizing Cycle
*Grundstein03 - Model for Global Knowledge Management within the Enterprise
*Gundry ([ Knowledge Ability]) - Knowledge Line
*Gruvberger/Malmborg - The Blossom of Knowledge Management
*Güldenberg - Wissensmanagement in lernenden Organisationen
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#H|H]]''' ==
*Hales - Knowledge Processes
*Hall - Architecture of a Knowledge Management System for Inquiring Organizations
*Handzic - Integrated KM Framework
*Hasan - Activity-based KM Framework
*Hasenkamp/Roßbach - Phasenmodell der Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Hatakama/Terano - Knowledge Chain Model
*Haun - Wissensbasiertes Modell
*Hauß - Reifegrade im Wissensmanagement
*Heck - KM-Phasenmodell
*Hedlund/Nonaka - The N-Form Organization
*Hefke/Trunko - K3M
*Heilmann - Phasenmodell zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Heimig et al (GiPP) - Wissenskreislauf
*[ Hewlett-Packard] - Generic Knowledge Management Methodology and Process
*Hippner - Phasenmodell des Wissensmanagements
*Hjertzén/Toll - knowledge process; The KM-Process
*Hendriks - A knowledge-centred framework for valuing KBS
*Herbst - Managementprozess und Kernschritte des Wissensmanagements
*Herder et al ([ Motorola]) - Knowledge management rainbow
*[ Heyde AG] - EKM-Vorgehensmodell
*Heyman ([ Deloitte Consulting]) - Knowledge Asset Life Cycle
*Hilse - Value chain of knowledge management
*Hilse - Wissensmanagement-Modell
*Hilse/Soukup - Referenzmodell Wissensmanagement
*Hjelmervik/Kirkemo - Faros – The structure of Knowledge Management
*Hofer-Alfeis/van der Spek ([ Siemens]/[ CIBIT]) - Knowledge Strategy Process
*Holm Jessen - A Knowledge Process, KM Framework
*Holmqvist - Framework of learning in imiganary org
*Holsapple/Joshi - A three-fold KM Framework
*Holsapple/Jones - Advanced Knowledge Chain Model
*Holsapple/Singh - Knowledge Chain Model
*Hong/Kuo - Corporate learning and knowledge management model
*[ Hummingbird] - Knowledge Management Value Chain
*Hung et al - The KMM Pyramid Model and KM Readiness Model
*Hussi - A reconfigured model of knowledge management
*Huysman - Processes of Kinstitutionalization in relation to OL
*[ Hyot Consulting] - Knowledge Creation Cycles
*[ Hyperwave] - Wissenstransferzyklus
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#I|I]]''' ==
*[ Ibermatica] - KM Methodology, Implementation Steps
*[ IBM] - The Pillars of KM
*[ IBM] - KM Framework
*[ IBM Global Business Services] - Plan for Knowledge-based Initiatives
*[ iconaro] - Vorgehensmodell "k-dimensions"
*[ IfeM] - Der IfeM Wissensmanagement-Ansatz
*[ ii3] - Knowledge and KM Methodologies and Approach
*[ ILTIS GmbH] - Wissensmanagement
*[ Infocentric] - The Knowledge Management Value Chain
*[ InfoPlex] - The Strategy/Knowledge/Infrastructure Model
*[ Informatikzentrum der Sparkassenorganisation (SIZ)]/[ Pallas] - WM-Modell
*[ Infosys Technologies] - KMM Model, Knowledge Management Framework
*Inkpen/Dinur - Knowledge Management Processes
*[ Institut für angewandtes Wissen] - iaw-WissensIntegrator
*[ IQM Europe GmbH] - IQM-Phasenmodell des Wissensmanagements
*[ Intel] - WM-Implementierungsmethode
*[ ISOCO] - The Knowledge Flower
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#J|J]]''' ==
*Jarrar - KM Framework
*Johnston/Blumentritt - Knowledge-Information Cycle
*Jordan/Jones - The Knowledge Management Assessment Framework
*Jutla - Federal and Provincial KM infrastructure model for building knowledge and innovation infrastructure
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#K|K]]''' ==
*Kalseth - The central components of strategic knowledge management
*Kampffmeyer ([ PROJECT CONSULT]) - Der universelle Knowledge Engine
*Kaplan ([ ACCSYS Corporation]) - Knowledge Life Cycle
*Karjalinen - Value-Based Knowledge Management Framework
*Kee et al. - Knowledge Process Model
*Kegelmann - Integrationsmodell intra- und interpersonalen Wissensmanagements in Organisationen
*Kim et al - Knowledge management framework
*Khalifa/Liu - KM research model
*King/Ko - The Information/Knowledge Value Chain Model
*Klimecki - Integratives Prozeß-Konzept des WM
*Klimecki/Thomae - Modell des Wissensmanagements
*Klimko - KM maturity Model
*KM Club - Knowledge Management Maturity Grid
*[ Knowledge Bridge Consulting] - Strukturierte WM-Einführung
*[ Knowledge Company] - Knowledge Chain Optimization Approach
*[ KnowledgeDirect Projekt-Konsortium] - Wissenslebenszyklus
*[ K4B] - Integriertes WM Modell
*kBOS - KBOS Strategic Knowledge Management Approach
*Knowledge Interspace (now: [ Navigant Consulting]) - Knowledge Logistics
*[ KMCI] - the three-tier new KM model
*[ KITS consortium] - KM Quest Knowledge Management Model
*Knight/Howes - The five-stage KM delivery network
*[ Know-Net]  - KM Approach and Method
*[ Know Center Graz] - WM Einführungs-Phasen-Modell
*Kopp - Wissensmanagement in der Neukundenakquisition im Firmenkundengeschäft
*[ KPMG] - Knowledge programme management (KPMG)
*[ KPMG]97 - KM Process
*[ KPMG]99 - Knowledge Journey
*Krey - Acht Schritte zum Aufbau eines integrierten Wissensmanagement-Systems
*Krüger - Wissensleiter
*Kühn ([]) - Referenzmodell WM
*Kruger/Snyman - Knowledge management maturity model
*Kumta - KM framework
*Kutschera - Technologieunterstütztes Wissensmanagementmodell für den Berufstand der Wirtschaftstreuhänder
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#L|L]]''' ==
*Lai/Chu - KM Framework
*Landenberger/Schildhauer - Stufen der Prozeßintegration
*Langen ([ Siemens/CT])-  The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
*Lee/Yang - Knowledge Value Chain Model
*LeeJ et al - Stage Model of KM Implementation
*Lehaney et al - Framework for Introducinng Knowledge Management Concepts and Technology
*Leonard-Barton - Knowledge Building Activities
*Leonard-Barton - Core Capabilities and Knowledge Difusion Activities
*Levett/Guenov - KM introduction (pilot) program
*Liao - Extended PDSA loop for KM processes
*Liebowitz -
*Liebowitz - The knowledge management cycle
*Liebowitz/Beckman - The Knowledge Management Process
*Liebowitz/Wilcox - Knowledge Life-Cycle
*[ Lotus] - Knowledge Management Framework
*[ LPCUBE] - KM Model
*Lucko/Trauner - Der Wissensmanagement-Kreislauf
*Lytras/Pouloudi - An integrated model for KM and learning convergence in knowledge intensive-organizations; Knowledge management and learning infrastructure in knowledge-intensive organizations
*Lytras et al - The revised knowledge management framework; The knowledge to learning transformation knowledge management framework
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#M|M]]''' ==
*Maas - KM Value Chain
*Macintosh - KM and Knowledge Asset Roadmap
*Maisch - 4 x 9-Analysemodell für Wissensmanagement
*Malhotra  - KM for Business Model Innovation
*Mandl/Reinmann-Rothmeier - Das Münchner WM-Modell
*Mandl/Reinmann-Rothmeier - Der Individuelle Wissensmanagement-Regelkreis
*Mårtensson - The stages of knowledge management
*Massey et al - Model for Knowledge Management success
*Maung - Evolving Knowledge Process (EKP) Model
*[ Mercer Management Consulting] - Knowledge Management Framework
*McAdam/McCreedy - KM Process (Clark/Staunton) modified
*McCann/Buckner - Integrative model for strategic knowledge management
*McDermott et al - The Knowledge Value Chain
*McElroy ([ Macroinnovation Associates]) - Policy Synchronization Method applied to SIC
*[ mcm Institut] - Enterprise Knowledge Media Referenzmodell
*[ MdS Network] - Social-Knowledge-Management-Modell
*Menon et al. - KM Framework
*Mercier-Laurent - General KM Process Structure
*[ MG Taylor] - 10-Step Knowledge Work Process
*[ Microsoft] - IT Advisor for Knowledge Management
*[ Microsoft] - Knowledge management implementation framework
*[ Mitre] - KM Framework, KM Capability Maturity Model
*Mittelmann et al - WM (Prozeß-)Architekturmodell, Knowledge Management Process, K2BE® Roadmap
*[ Moresophy] - L4 Vorgehensmodell für Semantisches WM
*[ MORService Projekt-Konsortium] - Wissenslebenszyklus im Netzwerk
*Morin - Management Technologischer Ressourcen
*Moser - Wissen als Kanalisationssystem, Wissen als umkämpfter Schatz, Wissen als Bibliothek
*Moslehi - Strategic Knowledge Management Maturity Model
*MüllerA et al (VIQUAME Projekt) - Lebenszyklus des Wissens
*MüllerHJ et al ([ T-Systems Nova]) - Das integrative E24-Vorgehen
*Mündemann - Mindmap zur Implementierung von WM
*Murray et al. - Top-Level Conceptual Framework for KM
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#N|N]]''' ==
*[ NASA] - Strategic Plan for KM
*NeumannN - 5-Ebenen-Konzept des prozessorientierten Wissensmanagements
*NeumannR - Konzept einer integrativen wissensorientierten Organisationsgestaltung
*Newman - General Knowledge Model
*[ Nihilent Technologies] - The MC3 Model for Holistic Knowledge Management
*Nissen - Amalgamated KMLC model
*Nissen - Extended Knowledge Flow Model
*Nissen et al - Knowledge Management Life Cycle
*[ No Doubt Research] - The I-R-S-A Approach
*[ Nokia] - Knowledge Management Architecture, Process and Framework
*Nonaka - Wissensspirale, Spirale der Wissensschaffung im Unternehmen, Fünf-Phasen-Modell der Wissensschaffung im Unternehmen
*Nonaka et al - The unified knowledge creation model
*[ Nortel Networks] - KM Framework
*North/Hornung - Stages of maturity on the competence ladder
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#O|O]]''' ==
*Oberweis et al - Wissensbasiertes Vorgehensmodell zur Gestaltung von CRM-Systemen
*[ OECD] - Linear and interactive knowledge process model
*Okunoye/Karsten - A suggested framework for sustainable knowledge management (for organisations in developing countries)
*[ OP-Bank Gruppe] - Wissensmanagement-Konzept
*Osterhoff ([ Thailand Productivity Institute]) - KM Cycle of Implementation
*[ Ovum] - Wissensaustausch
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#P|P]]''' ==
*Palass/Servatius - Methodischer Rahmen einer wissensorientierten Unternehmensführung
*Pawlowsky/Reinhardt - Integratives WM
*Peloquin/Meraviglia - Peloquin-Meraviglia Knowledge Management Model
*Peña - simplified integrated knowledge management framework
*Peritsch - Vorgehensmodell zur Integration des Wissensmanagements ins betriebliche Innovationsmanagement
*[ Pink Elephant] - Knowledge Management Model
*Plumley - Process Definition and Knowledge Leverage
*Pluskowski ([ Imaginatik]) - Balanced KM System
*Prange - Projektdesign für Wissensmanagement
*Prat - Hierarchical model for knowledge management
*Probst - Konstitutive Elemente der Wissensunternehmung
*Probst/Eppler - Persönliches Wissensmanagement
*Probst et al - [[Bausteine des WM]]
*[ PROMOTE consortium] - PROMOTE-KM System and Methodology
*PRORAD consortium - PRORAD Methodology Roadmap
*Ptech - KM Life Cycle
*[ Public Service Commission of Canada] - Knowledge Management Framework
*[ PriceWaterhouseCoopers] - KM Framework, WM-Vorgehensmodell
*[ PriceWaterhouseCoopers] - The Knowledge Cycle Value Chain
*[ PriceWaterhouseCoopers] - Wissenskreislauf, Schritte zum WM
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#Q|Q]]''' ==
*[ QUEWISS Projekt-Konsortium] - Knowledge Process Quality Model
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#R|R]]''' ==
*Rayport/Sviokla - The Virtual Value Chain
*[ Raytheon] - Six Sigma and KM Process
*Rehäuser/Krcmar - Lebenszyklusmodell des WM
*Remus - Prozeßorientiertes WM
*Rey et al - Stufenmodell zur Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Riempp - Meta-Modell für integriertes Wissensmanagement
*[ RM Consulting] - Knowledge Process
*Robinson - Model of KM in Policy Outcomes and Strategy Development
*Roßbach - Phasenmodell des WM
*Rubenstein-Montano et al - SMARTVision KM methodology
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#S|S]]''' ==
*[ Samsung SDI] - Process innovation-based knowledge management
*Schaal - WM im Überblick
*[ Schering AG] - Die Prozesskette des Wissens
*Schimmel - Rahmenkonzept einer wissensorientierten Unternehmensführung
*Schiuma/Carlucc - Knowledge Asset Value Spiral
*Schmiedel-Blumenthal - Matrix des Wissensmanagements
*Schmidle - Projektbasiertes Prozessmodell für ereignisorientiertes Wissensmanagement
*Schmitz/Zucker ([ corporatepragmatics]/[ Betty Zucker & Co.]) - Knowledge Flow Management
*Schneider ([ Karl Franzens Univ. Graz]) - Grazer Meta-Modell des WM
*Schneider ([ Karl Franzens Univ. Graz]) - Wissens-Management: Lernen 1 und Meta-Wissensmanagement: Lernen 2
*Schnurr et al - Der Wissensprozess
*Schreiber et al - CommonKADS KM Framework
*Schumann - Phasenmodell eines WM
*Schüppel - Vier Akte zum WM
*Schütt ([ IBM Germany]) - 3-D KM Modell
*Seiner ([ KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC] - The Knowledge Sharing Continuum
*Sena/Shani - The knowledge progression; The knowledge management engine
*Senger/Riempp - Zielebenen des WM
*Senthilkumar - Knowledge Acquisition and Iimplementation Pyramid for SME
*SharpP et al - MaKE Method
*Siebert - Modell für ein Wissensmananegment in virtuellen Unternehmen
*[ Siemens] - WM Rahmenkonzept, Integrierter Implementierungsansatz für WM
*[ Siemens Business Services] - Knowledge Management Framework
*Silver/Shakshuki - Knowledge Management Cycle
*Sivan - The Nine Keys to a Knowledge Infrastructure
*Skyrme99 ([ David Skyrme Associates]) - Framework for Implementing Knowledge Management
*Skyrme02 ([ David Skyrme Associates]) - Two Knowledge Cycles
*Smart et al - Conceptual model of KM, KM model with a business process context
*Snowden ([ The Cynifen Centre]) - Ecology of Knowledge Management
*Snyder et al - The Knowledge Harvesting Process
*[ SoftLab] - Einführung von Wissensmanagement
*Software City - Der Regelkreislauf des Wissensmanagements/modifiziertes Phasenmodell nach Probst et al
*Soliman - The KM chain
*Sotirakou/Zeppou - MATE model
*Sparrow et al - Knowledge Analysis and Development Framework
*Spinello - The Knowledge Chain
*Srinivas - Knowledge value chain
*Stadelmann ([ Mummert Consulting]) - The Knowledge Management cycle
*[ Standards Australia]01 - The Knowledge Management Framework
*[ Standards Australia]03 - Knowledge Management Model
*Stankosky ([ GWU Institute for Knowledge and Innovation]) - KM Framework
*Staples et al - KBE Research Model
*Stapleton - A step-by-step guide for turning information into advantage
*[ Steinbeis Transferzentrum für Wissensmanagement & Kommunikation] - Kritischer WM Kreislauf
*Studer et al99 - Wissenszyklus und verwendbare Informatikmethoden
*Suddaby/Greenwood - The cycle of knowledge production and consumption
*SureshH - Institutional Knowledge Evolution Cycle
*SureshJK/Mahesh ([ Infosys Technologies])- KM Journey/Maturity
*Sveiby  ([ Sveiby Knowledge Associates]) - The Ten Knowledge Strategy Issues
*Swaak et al ([ MERITS project]) - The KnowMe model
*Swanstorm ([ Global Knowledge Economics Council]) - Knowledge Production System Activities
*Sydanmaanlakka - The framework of knowledge management
*Szulanski - The process of knowledge transfer
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#T|T]]''' ==
*T-Nova Berkom (now: [ T-Systems Nova]) - Wissensmanagement-Einführung
*Tan et al. - Critical KM Success Factors
*Tay ([ Transknowformance]) - Transknowformance Model (Circle of Knowledge)
*Terra - Managerial Practices Related to KM
*The Carrier Battle Group - Intelligence Process
*[ The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management] - Knowledge Management Strategy Framework
*[ The World Bank Group] - Three Pillar Knowledge Startegy
*Thiesse - BKM-Methode
*Thomas et al - IA Life Cycle Perspective
*[ Thomson CSF] - KM evaluation grid
*Timbrell et al - Knowledge Infrastructure Hierarchy Model (for Call Centre Processes)
*Tissen et al ([ KPMG, Netherlands]) - Value-Based Knowledge Management
*Tiwana - Four Levels of  knowledge
*Tiwana - The Knowledge Enabled Customer Relationship Roadmap
*Tiwana - KM road map (for building a KMS)
*Trmal/Zelger - Geschäftsprozess KM-Projekt
*Trmal/Zelger - Wissensmanagementprozess
*[ TRW Systems] - WM Modell
*Tuomi - KM Framework
*[ TW Powell Co.] - The business intelligence value chain
*[ TW Powell Co.] - The knowledge value chain (98, 01,03)
*Tyndale - The Organisational Knowledge Development Life Cycle
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#U|U]]''' ==
*Uit Beijerse99 - Conceptual KM Model
*Uit Beijerse00 - Integral KM Model
*Unternehmensberatung Beck et al. - Wissensmanagement als Regelkreis
*[ Uwe Maurer und Partner] - Das WissensHaus-Modell, Das 3-Stufen-Modell des Wissensmanagements
*[ US Department of the Navy] - The DON KM Framework
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#V|V]]''' ==
*Van der Spek/Spijkervet - KM Framework
*Van Heijst/Kruizinga - Knowledge Infrastructure
*Virkkunen - Die drei Dimensionen der Entwicklung des Wissens
*[ VISION consortium] - V-KMMM
*von Krogh/Venzin - Knowledge Strategy Framework
*von Krogh et al - Gerüst für Wissensstrategien
*[ VTT] - KM Process Model
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#W|W]]''' ==
*Warneke et al. - Referenzmodell WM
*Weber/Kaplan - Conceptual knowledge process
*Weggeman - Knowledge Value Chain Framework
*Weggeman/Boekhoff - The knowledge value chain
*Weih - Wissensbasiertes CRM-Modell; Prozessorientiertes, wissensbasiertes CRM-Vorgehensmodell
*Weidner ([ KMPro]) - Knowledge Life Cycle Model
*Weißbach et al ([ WIPER Projekt)]- Stufenmodell Wissensmanagement
*Weissenberger-Eibl - Dynamisches Gesamtkonzept eines reflexiven und fortschrittsfähigen Wissensmanagements in Unternehemsnetzwerken
*Weissenberger-Eibl - Ebenen des Wissensmanagements
*Wenger99 ([ Etienne Wenger Consulting]) - A knowledge strategy based on communities of practice
*Wenger04 ([ Etienne Wenger Consulting]) - The doughnut model of knowledge management
*[ Weyerhaeuser] - KM Roadmap
*[ Whirlpool] - Four phase start-up action plan
*Wieneke/Phlypo-Price ([ General Motors]) - The Knowledge Management Domain
*Wiig ([ Knowledge Research Institute]) - KM Perspectives and Domain
*Wiig93 ([ Knowledge Research Institute]) - Pillars of KM
*Wiig95 ([ Knowledge Research Institute]) - Four areas of KM emphasis
*Wiig96 ([ Knowledge Research Institute]) - Personal and Institutional Knowledge Evolution (Life) Cycle
*Wiig98 ([ Knowledge Research Institute]) - KM Building Blocks
*Wilkens - Ganzheitliches integratives WM
*Wikström/Norman - Knowledge Linking
*Willke - Systemisches WM
*[ Wipro] - KM framework
*[ Wissensmanagement Forum Graz] - Basismodell des WM, Cycle of strategic KM, Knowledge management implementation process
*Woelk - KM Phases – Nonaka adapted
*Wolf et al - KM Cube
*Wong - Modified Knowledge Value Chain Model
*Wu/Liu - Adapted (from Holsapple/Singh)Knowledge Chain
*Wyssusek et al - Conceptualization of Knowledge Management Practice
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#X|X]]''' ==
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#Y|Y]]''' ==
*Yan/Yi - Knowledge Supply Chain Framework
*Yolles - The Viable Theory of Knowledge Management 
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
== '''[[#Z|Z]]''' ==
*Zhou/Fink - IC web
*Zuh [ Knowledge Goods Inc.] - Enterprise Archetype, Enterprise Knowledge Framework
<p align=right><small>[ [[#top|top]] ]</small></p>
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Current revision as of 18:45, 15 November 2007

Instructions for Editing

Adding a new framework:

  • Frameworks are ordered alphabetically by author. Authors can be individuals or institutions (e. g. companies, consultings, projects). Howerver, the gerneral structure sould be as following:
    • Author (Insitution) - Name of the Framework
    • Example: Allweyer (IDS Scheer) - Knowledge Process Reengineering
  • Add the framework to the right position of the list and link the 'Name of the Framework' to a new page.
  • Open the style sheet's editor in a new window, copy the code and paste it in the new page.
  • Now you can edit the page by replacing the content instructions written in italics with your contributions.


To draw a complete picture Integrated Frameworks are also included here.


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