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[edit] Volt

[edit] Brief Bio

Volt joined the forums October 13, 2006. The date s/he joined the game is anonymous. Volt just started KDW because s/he was bored. S/he is currently still a member in the KDW forums, but rarely plays the game.

[edit] Volt's Origin

Volt isn't actually the first name s/he chose. First, Volt was from the Tales of Series (Like Symphonia and Eternia). Throughout the internet history, her/his first online name is voltcs. That name was used only for gaming purposes. After joining the first forum, s/he made up a new name. S/he now declared herself/himself over the internet... SM. No one knows what SM stand for. There are lots of examples, but the following below are SM's favorites:

  • SlaveMistress
  • SlaveMaster
  • Sturm's Mother
  • Super Mario
  • Soft Marshmellows
  • Sygygy's Maid
  • Sami's Mistress
  • Smexy Mistress

Yup... good times.

[edit] Volt's Gender

Don't ask. But if you really, really, really, really want to find out... PM Volt. And that means I'm warning you. No information available.

[edit] More Info

You may find Volt as a happy enthusiasist. It's because... there is a dark purpose behind her/him. Really odd, but you can say Volt is hiding her/his emotions. And under any circumstances, do not, I mean, do not mess with Volt about anything! And I mean anything that annoys you, bothers you, puzzles you about Volt! Otherwise, if you have the courage, just PM Volt. Make sure you take your curiousity lightly...

[edit] Shoutbox

Feel free to edit this area and shout almost anything on here.

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