Game history

From Kdwiki

Kirby's Dream world first started out as a forum rpg which was fully text based. Shortly after, however, the fan game "Super Mario's World" came out, and that was where the idea to make KDW a standard MMO came from. Neely's Bar was originally only intended to be a small building in hillside town, but soon after it appeared though out the game. Once it had grown large enough, it was renamed Neely's Inc. Camp Kirby was planned to be a massive event, but after a short time open was closed for an unknown reason. Tac was in the original version of the game. However, the sprite was cut off and was discontinued later. Mini Meta Copy was the first Meta Knight to be featured in the game. The reasion it was called this was that its sprite was smaller than it should be, and it didn't really look like Meta Knight. Most versions of the game are denoted by whole numbers. However, there were a few decimal versions such as 3.5 and 4.9. The character Legend was based off of the white Kirby in "Kirby's Air Ride" after the KDW Creater unlocked the dragoon. He then built a story line up from there on out. In fact he even beat the game "Kirby and the amazing mirrior" using Legend. Myth was originally going to be in KDW. Myth was the second Legendary star warrior which Legend's cousin came up with. Myth was a blue kirby that just like Legend could trun into a full armored Meta Knight like Star Warrior. Giyas was invited by Rufus. He was put into the game but Rufus decided to keep on using his normal characters instead of his Legendary Star Warrior. Giyas is green, and only talked about in a book at Ice Town. Giyas was invented when Legend needed a few more character names for the last few colored kirbies in Amazing Mirror to come up with Legend's story line. He then asked Rufus, and Giyas was born! Giyas is a green colored star warrior. Rufus' name was modeled after Rufus Shinra from FF7. His theme song is Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony and Tifa's Tavern is in Duckland. The hang out spot known as the "Smash Club" was named after the "Full House" club that Jessie buys. The first entrance to the battle grounds had water to your left, and right as soon as you walked in. It also had a sidewalk going up with two splits leading to signs. One of which said "Rufus is the best, Legend is a pest. -Rufus :P". This sign text was by Rufus, but was set up by Legend. This area was deleted a few weeks later after Rufus went on a vacaction to Disney World. There are many people who make alternate versions for this game. However, because of unknown reasons, they are not to be put on public release because of worries that you might be logged or receive Virii. There are actually 4 versions of the Hang-out! Only one is used. At first all admins had a pink name. A week later the creators of the game switched to gold. The hotel was at first the only places you could buy houses. Soon after the hotel was made it was deleted by an admin gone mad. Months later the resident areas opend up where you could make/buy your own house in game. The first pic made for KDW was a 3-d Kirby Sprite. This sprite was only used in the text based version however. This sprite did later appear in a version of KDW but was rejected after the first week it was usedItalic text

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