User talk:Tyler

From Kdwiki

Hey! I am gonna add some things whever I see, but I can only really list them, not say what's in them. I got the perfect Idea for a picture on Weasel-Town, when it's finished... Have a picture of a squirrel in one frame totally fine, then it's being beatn on in the next, and the caption would be "See those weasels, Cloud? You want those to die!" -SBKT


We're not using the user thing, cuz it gets annoying as it is more personal, you should write an article in the format I wrote about myself in, because I have it set up so, Matt has it that way too.

It wasn't just my opinions, many people actually thought he was playing favorites, I could care less, I'm just concerned about our massive staff numbers compared to the amount of Members there are. I try and see from every side, not just my own.

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