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[edit] Shinyertu59

[edit] His Beginning

Shinyertu began out As a simble MMORPG player, and went to forums and game she could find. But on the Nsider forums a guy name Robocamander2 posted something about a pokemon game. Shinyertu59 asked this guy if he could become staff, instead he said to try out his game, KDW.

[edit] His Becoming

He was full of thoughts, mostly because of his high-interests in MMORPG's, he knew the key elements to making one great, or so he thought. Eventually, he came up with a idea called the Sand Tower. The problem was, Legend wouldn't get on to aprove him of it. So he asked Cross to do it. He did a slim amount but Shiny had to go. Then he asked king, who build the ground then left.

Finnally though, he Encountered JET, someone witht he same dream as him. JET enjoyed the idea of the Sand Tower and gave Shiny Temp Mapping powers. Then... Rebellion of Shiny began. Most people dont think of it much but its when the temp status was settled, it tore people apart too.

After being deranked, he got a approval from Legend he could be Permanent mapper, and then he went to work.

[edit] Up to Dev

Shiny did all his assignments he could, he would do anything to stay is mapper status. but he then saw how others slump down, have arguments Ect. Shiny still worked, and his biggest assignment, Lava hills got to around 35 maps big! Then he made the Falling Flame, thee second most popular place int he game now (#1 is the hang-out)

With his finishing, legend approved him of dev.

[edit] Currently

Shiny plays WoW and KDW, and is suprisingly the one of the most active player's. He gets assigments and trys his best to stay his status, even having people wanting to pull him down.

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