Tom Wintringham
From Kaiserreich
Thomas Henry (Tom) Wintringham (15 May 1898-) is a British soldier and is the Chief of General Staff of the Republican Army of the Union of Britain.
Early Life
Tom Wintringham was born 1898 in Grimsby, Lincolnshire. He was educated at Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk and Balliol College, Oxford. In 1915 he was elected to a Brakenbury scholarship in History at Balliol but during the Weltkrieg he postponed his university career to join the Royal Flying Corps, serving as a motorcycle despatch rider.
At the end of the war he was involved in a brief barracks mutiny, one of many minor insurrections which went unnoticed in the period. He returned to Oxford, and in a long vacation made a visit of some months to Paris, after which he returned to England and formed a group of students aiming to establish a British section of the Third International: a Communist Party. As the party formed, Wintringham graduated from Oxford and moved to London, ostensibly to study for the bar at the Temple, but in fact to work full time in politics.
In 1923, Wintringham became a disciple of John Maclean. In 1925, he was one of twelve officials imprisoned for seditious libel and incitement to mutiny. He was freed in what has been called the British storming of the Bastille during the 1925 British Revolution.