From Jsarmi
< Dataset1
Team 1, Session 1: Notes
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Community (audience = other groups)
136 moderatorS, 2:20 (11.05): You might want to make a text box in which you keep a summary of what you consider your results. 137 moderatorS, 2:21 (11.05): We can share these and you can see what other groups do after each session (there will be 4)
Framing "using gridlines"
212 moderatorS, 2:49 (11.05): any questions suggested to you by the concept that in this world one can't travel on the diagonal 237 mathpudding, 2:56 (11.05): shortest distance to b from a using gridlines
Framing "this and we"
268 rweisbac, 3:06 (11.05): I don't know and doesn't this end at 8 270 mathpudding, 3:07 (11.05): i thought it ends at six 271 moderatorS, 3:06 (11.05): yes. I think we originally saidd it would be an hour. Let me just ask a few questions. ... 292 moderatorS, 3:10 (11.05): I really enjoyed the work and exchanges of your group.
Framing the problem and the activity
rweisbac 5/10/05 8:03:01 PM EDT: So when do we start moderatorS 5/10/05 8:03:06 PM EDT: I'll help you get started now. rweisbac 5/10/05 8:03:10 PM EDT: ok moderatorS 5/10/05 8:03:28 PM EDT: The idea is that I give you a simple environment to explore. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:03:35 PM EDT: And you come up with questions you want to answer. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:03:46 PM EDT: And then try to answer the ones that most interest the group. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:03:56 PM EDT: I will try to get out of the way once you are ready. ... rweisbac 5/10/05 8:07:00 PM EDT: alright so what is the problem moderatorS 5/10/05 8:07:11 PM EDT: so, imagine a world where you can only travel on the lines in this grid mathman 5/10/05 8:07:19 PM EDT: ok rweisbac 5/10/05 8:07:22 PM EDT: ok mathpudding 5/10/05 8:07:27 PM EDT: ok moderatorS 5/10/05 8:07:33 PM EDT: your job as a group is to figure out how the math of this world works. mathpudding 5/10/05 8:07:47 PM EDT: i dont get it moderatorS 5/10/05 8:08:02 PM EDT: I sugges that you start by making a text block and label it "Our questions" ... moderatorS 5/10/05 8:09:30 PM EDT: You might start just by asking questions about those two points. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:09:53 PM EDT: What is a normal math question you might ask regarding those points? moderatorS 5/10/05 8:10:10 PM EDT: Smple questions are good. N question is too simple rweisbac 5/10/05 8:10:31 PM EDT: Do the points have (X,Y) values moderatorS 5/10/05 8:11:01 PM EDT: good. That's a fine question and one you can decide to answer as a group. There is no right answer here. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:11:16 PM EDT: Think also in terms of geometry. rweisbac 5/10/05 8:11:20 PM EDT: Woah!!! moderatorS 5/10/05 8:11:26 PM EDT: Any kind of math is welcome here.
Make a summary for other groups
rweisbac 5/10/05 8:16:03 PM EDT: So we can find the distance between them by doing the distance formula mathman 5/10/05 8:16:28 PM EDT: thats the question right mathpudding 5/10/05 8:16:32 PM EDT: rt. 52 rweisbac 5/10/05 8:16:48 PM EDT: Now that is good mathpudding 5/10/05 8:16:58 PM EDT: 2 rt 13 rweisbac 5/10/05 8:17:07 PM EDT: Ok mathman 5/10/05 8:17:12 PM EDT: yes mathpudding 5/10/05 8:17:19 PM EDT: ok moderatorS 5/10/05 8:17:26 PM EDT: You might want to make a text box in which you keep a summary of what you consider your results. moderatorS 5/10/05 8:17:43 PM EDT: We can share these and you can see what other groups do after each session (there will be 4)
Moderator tries to break Diagonal thinking
rweisbac 5/10/05 8:19:17 PM EDT: Lets make a right triangle with them mathman 5/10/05 8:20:16 PM EDT: that okay rweisbac 5/10/05 8:20:44 PM EDT: We know what the hypotenuse is so lets find what sides A and B are mathman 5/10/05 8:21:18 PM EDT: A =4, B=6 mathpudding 5/10/05 8:21:20 PM EDT: 4 and 6 moderatorS 5/10/05 8:21:23 PM EDT: I put the intro into a text box so that you can remember the set up of this world. mathman 5/10/05 8:21:34 PM EDT: ok rweisbac 5/10/05 8:22:31 PM EDT: I'm out of Ideas how about you mathman 5/10/05 8:22:53 PM EDT: slope of line AB rweisbac 5/10/05 8:22:59 PM EDT: Ok mathman 5/10/05 8:23:23 PM EDT: -2/3 rweisbac 5/10/05 8:23:50 PM EDT: A =1,6 and b=7,2 mathman 5/10/05 8:25:01 PM EDT: now what rweisbac 5/10/05 8:25:53 PM EDT: I don't know mathpudding 5/10/05 8:26:16 PM EDT: altitude to hypoteneuse rweisbac 5/10/05 8:26:29 PM EDT: Ok. How do you do that mathpudding 5/10/05 8:26:57 PM EDT: do you know how to rweisbac 5/10/05 8:27:03 PM EDT: NO mathman 5/10/05 8:27:50 PM EDT: wait let me draw it rweisbac 5/10/05 8:27:57 PM EDT: Ok ... mathman 5/10/05 8:42:12 PM EDT: now we can try finding the area of a circumscribed circle mathpudding 5/10/05 8:42:22 PM EDT: k rweisbac 5/10/05 8:42:24 PM EDT: ok rweisbac 5/10/05 8:42:35 PM EDT: pi*r^2 mathpudding 5/10/05 8:42:36 PM EDT: 52/4 pi mathpudding 5/10/05 8:42:43 PM EDT: is the area mathpudding 5/10/05 8:42:53 PM EDT: 13pi rweisbac 5/10/05 8:43:04 PM EDT: sweet it is mathpudding 5/10/05 8:43:12 PM EDT: i know mathman 5/10/05 8:43:53 PM EDT: yeah mathman 5/10/05 8:44:51 PM EDT: now what ... rweisbac 5/10/05 8:45:00 PM EDT: don't know mathpudding 5/10/05 8:45:13 PM EDT: inscribed circle? rweisbac 5/10/05 8:45:19 PM EDT: ?? moderatorS 5/10/05 8:45:54 PM EDT: any questions suggested to you by the concept that in this world one can't travel on the diagonal mathpudding 5/10/05 8:46:16 PM EDT: ?? rweisbac 5/10/05 8:46:19 PM EDT: quickest route from a to b mathpudding 5/10/05 8:46:45 PM EDT: line segment AB rweisbac 5/10/05 8:47:20 PM EDT: But you can't go diagonal you must stay on the lines mathman leaves the room 5/10/05 8:47:21 PM EDT rweisbac 5/10/05 8:47:54 PM EDT: Where did mathman go mathpudding 5/10/05 8:48:04 PM EDT: dont know moderatorS 5/10/05 8:48:28 PM EDT: maybe his connection is flaky. Fortunately he can get back here if he gets it working mathman 5/10/05 8:50:07 PM EDT: 10-2 rt13 moderatorS 5/10/05 8:50:09 PM EDT: you can keep going and he'll catch up rweisbac 5/10/05 8:50:11 PM EDT: ok mathpudding 5/10/05 8:50:18 PM EDT: he'll be on in a minute rweisbac 5/10/05 8:50:18 PM EDT: hi mathman mathpudding 5/10/05 8:50:23 PM EDT: ni mathpudding 5/10/05 8:50:27 PM EDT: hi mathman joins the room 5/10/05 8:50:45 PM EDT mathpudding 5/10/05 8:50:55 PM EDT: no its ten mathpudding 5/10/05 8:51:02 PM EDT: 10 ... rweisbac 5/10/05 8:51:34 PM EDT: what is ten mathpudding 5/10/05 8:51:58 PM EDT: shortest distance to b from a using gridlines
Assessment +future
moderatorS 5/10/05 9:07:28 PM EDT: I really enjoyed the work and exchanges of your group. rweisbac 5/10/05 9:07:38 PM EDT: bye moderatorS 5/10/05 9:07:45 PM EDT: We will send your teachers a url for a page where all the groups work will be mathpudding 5/10/05 9:07:50 PM EDT: bye mathman 5/10/05 9:07:55 PM EDT: bye