
From Jpl Rebadging

Does anyone else recall Elachi saying during an All-Hands meeting during the summer of 2004 that he was not going to let them invade our privacy in this way? He was refusing to let our rights be violated with the new badge. As a student during that summer, I was proud to be a part of JPL, and especially elated that our director was standing up for our rights. Seems he has since changed his mind. Does anyone know how to get transcripts or video of these past meetings? Now, as a 2-year employee, I am considering leaving the job that I love. We no longer have anonymity. How does the government knowing "that we are who we say we are" help JPL? How does this promote the sciences? Space exploration? RFID tags are a joke and very dangerous - be careful with them once you have one. Boo to JPL and boo to CalTech. Boo to Big Brother Bush and the so-called War on Terror.

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