Hempstead housing
From Journalism80
The Village of Hempstead was founded in the Fall of 1643. Robert Fordham and John Carmen came across the land in an attempt purchase it from local Native American eatribes, the Massapequa and the Mericoke. A deal was formed and 64,000 acres were sold to the former Massachusetts settlers. The town name was to be called Hempstead, named after the old English town Hemel Hempstead. As time passed and the population increased, Hempstead’s importance proved to be very significant in American history. Prominent leaders like George Washington of the Revolutionary war often spent time in Hempstead. In the 1800’s Hempstead became the focal point for trade on Long Island.
The Village of Hempstead has 15,579 housing units in its total are of 9.5 Km equivalent to 3.7 mi, none of which is covered by water. The U.S. Census Bureau reported 11,178 families residing in the Village. The Population Density is 15,366 Mi^2. The Village of Hempstead has a population of 53,162 persons. Almost half of the population is African American at 52.2%, Hispanic the second most racially abundant is at 31.8%, Whites account for 25.7% of the population and lastly the Asian community holding at 1.3%. Of the 15,579 housing units, 35% of its residents are under the age of 18, and 7.9% are under the age of five. The senior citizen population accounts for 8.5% of the town’s population. Married couples occupy almost 2/5 of the housing units at 39%. Almost a quarter of the populations on the other hand are homes of non-families. Of the 15,579 housing units in the Village there is only a 43.2% home ownership rate, where the medium value of owner occupied housing units cost $166,400. The medium Household income In the Village of Hempstead is $46,675. The average household has 3.75 persons per household along with 6.71 rooms per home. The per Capita income in the Village is 15,735. With an average family income a little bit over the average household, almost 17.7% of the total population is below the poverty line.
The Village of Hempstead has 15,188 households that on average have been build around 1949. The average value of these homes are $165,500, with a medium of 3.75 persons living in each household. Also there is a 2.35 average automotive per household. Of all of the housing units only 42.9% are owner occupied a total of 6,549 units. Many of the housing units have first and second mortgages. In the village 69.6% of the housing units have single mortgages, while 14.6% oh housing units have taken out additional second mortgages. The average asking price for vacant homes in the village is $122,200, with a monthly due including mortgage $1,820, and without mortgage $734.
The amount of non-family housing and the closeness of Hofstra University are some of the reasons why renting is abundant in the Village of Hempstead. There are 8,627 rentals in the village, more the houses to buy at 55.4%. The average rental holds 3.16 persons per household and 3.41 rooms per home. Almost three times as lees then homes to buy there is only an average of .87 vehicles per home. The average asking price for rental is $788 per person. When renting a key aspect to look at is if utilities are included. Of the 8,000 plus rentals only 19.7% of rental have utilities included.
Web Sites for Hempstead Housing Lists Craigslist http://www.hempsteadinfo.com/
Hofstra Housing List
Low income housing http://www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/Seniors/Housing/LowIncome.html