General joto Shit

From Jotowiki

Oh god, where to start?

EDIT Let's get out the documented big book of joto fuck ups


General joto Shit

They are a raid/roleplay/family/no drama guild. So many titles lets them pick and choose as the situation warrents. Can't do FTH - Family guild. Take down Othysis - Raid guild. ETC

They 100% believe Darcyle is spying on their guild for their raid secrets.

Self appointed titles. Third guild to kill Chel'drak.. If you ignore Exalted, HA, etc.

Third guild to kill Woushi. Let's go with 4th guild to kill woushi in 1 day. GotJ dropped Woushi 10 minutes after joto, but entered 2 days later.

They have little respect for a lot of their members. Players like Silentchord get little respect even though nearly all of their raid strategies come from him. Almost all of their officers have him muted on TS. Members are informed to interrupt him when ever he speaks.

In 1 day joto lost 3 of their guild officers.

  1. Rudder left because he was fed up with it all. When asked, he was tired of officer greed and their general attitude towards other members. "They're a clique. They won't admit it but they are."
  2. Sturmhammer left because of "healer incompetance". "I'm sick of joto. They suck. They can't raid. Khet's black and sucks cock. All they do is fight amongst themselves. None of them lisen to us. They're not motivated."
  3. Thorby left because his master left.


  • Alts can and will get loot over mains
  • Recruits are selected over vets
  • New members can and will get loot over vets
  • Ran 100 if you can use. That's right, anyone can roll on loot. Might as well leave loot options on lotto. HOWEVER If it comes down to a leader decision, an alt will usually get it over a main, an app will usually get it over an alt and an inactive will get it above all others.
  • Exploits bugs to bypass mobs. IE pitting Rumbler against Tender to get to the second area.
  • Exploiting bugs to kill mobs. IE charming vamps to kill Mayong Mistmoore.

Guild Policy

  • Has kicked members for informing the guild they are going inactive for a month due to real life problems
  • Has kicked members for rolling on loot officers could use.
  • Has kicked members for pointing out officer stupidity.
  • Has allowed members to join the guild after a 7/8ths vote 'no' on a member. Ex, Pel
  • During quest season (Claymore) the officers have instructed to train other guilds in order to get updates.
  • If a raid zone is deemed "unfair" by Isin, it will be black balled until it is nerfed. IE, Emerald Halls.
  • If they can not beat a mob after previously doing so, they will say he is broken and no longer raid the mob. IE, Talendor.
  • If a guild rule does not suit their argument or action, they will change it accordingly
  • If a member makes a compalint about an officer, they are instantly black balled by the guild HOWEVER Any member can come under attack by the "black ball event" at any time for no reason
  • If a scapegoat is in the area, blame them until they truly believe the lie

Officer Decisions

  • Officers instruct raid members to "do what ever they can" to cause zone lag when it comes to contested.
  • Officers informing members to "just deal with it" when it comes to issues with other members.
  • Officers informing members to "just drop it" when it comes to general issues with members.
  • Officers informing members to "shut up" when it comes to suggestions on how to do something better
  • Officers informing members to put other members on ignore so no one has to deal with the member
  • Officers exploding on the raid force over TS due to their own incompetance. IE Sac when he ripped a Gardner and wiped the raid
  • Officers starting slander campaigns against former members.
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