
From Joe

I think you are miinxg up infrequently used critical system maintenance applications' with basic everyday web apps', certainly in your example you are.You are quite wrong when it comes to registry importing. This is a rare process (how many .reg files do *you* import in a month? If the answer is more than a few', you need something other than regedit), quite important to the system (so yes, you should be asked to confirm it), and critical to know if it has succeeded or failed (hence the end-of-operation feedback). Furthermore, since regedit which does the importing is not usually running on a system, there is no place for the kind of asynchronous notification you are advocating. The only place I can think of that would make sense is a balloon dialog, which still doesn't make much sense, as it adds another UI element to the system tray which is ephemeral and will vanish momentarily anyway. Better in this case to go with the message box, easily dismissed with a tap of the space bar or enter key.

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