Fighting Technology With Technology Whenever Talking About Privacy by - Jereld E Urban
From Joe
“Wait, exactly what is a concealed camera sensor doing on your work table?” Darla quietly inquired. She recognized the small device which fit inside a pocket or purse was a bug detector since I'd shown her an image on the Web. However she never frankly figured I'd acquire one.
Just as there are spy video cameras to monitor folks, at times maliciously, you will find bug detectors to counter these kinds of surveillance equipment including covert microphones, I revealed to Darla. And I had suspicions there was a covert camera within the ladies' room. By using a bug finder, I wanted to know.
“There is a high-tech peeping tom each time we use the bathroom and you did not tell me?” Darla shrieked. I shushed her and stated I usually felt being watched every time I was within the restroom. I would check the cubicles but nothing, however the spooky feeling would not go away. Therefore, I began to suspect it was another way of getting monitored.
My lens finder bug detector would assist confirm my own suspicions. It is a wired or wire free video camera multifunctional detector that makes use of the latest laser frequency visual detection method or radio frequency to check the presence of covert cameras within a certain spot.
I informed Darla any camera lenses in a 10-foot range is going to flash red if I used the specially focused viewing interface. That was if I was alone inside the bathroom. Otherwise, I can wave this around and allow the RF feature take over.
I stepped out to go to the ladies' room, bug locator on hand. I set it to silent detection setting and would be informed with a vibrate signal if it was positive. I was alone and went with the viewing port focusing on the ceiling.
I almost jumped as soon as I found the red flash overhead. I was right! Someone was playing dirty with the women in the building. The building administrator had better move his butt fast before all hell broke loose.
Darla found me smiling when I came back. What is a hidden camera detector good for, you ask?” I informed her, “It is to blind peeping toms.”