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From Japanese

Revision as of 06:25, 4 February 2010 by Dude-X (Talk | contribs)


Welcome to ##japanese on Freenode IRC FAQ

ようこそ! ##japanese on Freenode IRC is a channel where members can learn or practice their Japanese with natives and proficient learners.


The members of ##japanese are a casual bunch, and we talk about a variety of subjects. Nevertheless, here are a few important rules:

  • To display Japanese, your chat client must use UTF-8. We don't use ISO-2022 or Shift-JIS.
  • Do not private message people with language questions. It's best to ask in public because multiple members read this channel and may have an answer for you.
  • Do not ask for women/girls. If you want to find a mate, there are many suitable websites that already exist for that purpose.
  • It is best to use open a private message/dialog with our bot Kanjouteki. Don't spam the channel

with many look ups.

  • Follow general IRC etiquette, that is don't be a jerk, don't type in caps, etc.


If you're learning Japanese, the following links are useful resources:

  • Kim Allen's overview of Japanese This site has no kanji but it does give a pretty good overview of grammar plus the author's personal experience of how she learned Japanese.
  • Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese This is an excellent website to learn a lot of Japanese grammar. However, you need to be comfortable reading kana.
  • Teach Yourself Japanese Great site to learn kana and some Japanese basics.
  • The Japanese Page A multiuser site that covers various aspects of Japanese.
  • Wikibooks Japanese An incomplete but useful site for beginners.
  • J-Gram A multi-user site that lets you practice Japanese with other users.
  • Lang 8 - A multilingual blogging and correction website. Native Japanese will correct your Japanese, while you can correct other user's writings of English or your native tongue.

Language FAQ

Template:Todo Language FAQ. Questions like the difference between は and が.

Sources: This page lists media or textual sources which you can use to learn Japanese.

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  3. Create another user with a more personalized username (first log out, then click create an account).
  4. Join the News Group
  5. Edit this page and replace it's content with something more interesting for new visitors.
  6. Read How to make a successful wiki
  7. Read the Help Page
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