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Welcome to ##japanese on Freenode IRC FAQ
ようこそ! ##japanese on Freenode IRC is a channel where members can learn or practice their Japanese with natives and proficient learners.
The members of ##japanese are a casual bunch, and we talk about a variety of subjects. Nevertheless, here are a few important rules:
- To display Japanese, your chat client must use UTF-8. We don't use ISO-2022 or Shift-JIS.
- Do not private message people with language questions. It's best to ask in public because multiple members read this channel and may have an answer for you.
- Do not ask for women/girls. If you want to find a mate, there are many suitable websites that already exist for that purpose.
- It is best to use open a private message/dialog with our bot Kanjouteki. Don't spam the channel
with many look ups.
- Follow general IRC etiquette, that is don't be a jerk, don't type in caps, etc.
If you're learning Japanese, the following links are useful resources:
- Kim Allen's overview of Japanese This site has no kanji but it does give a pretty good overview of grammar plus the author's personal experience of how she learned Japanese.
- Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese This is an excellent website to learn a lot of Japanese grammar. However, you need to be comfortable reading kana.
- Teach Yourself Japanese Great site to learn kana and some Japanese basics.
- The Japanese Page A multiuser site that covers various aspects of Japanese.
- Wikibooks Japanese An incomplete but useful site for beginners.
- J-Gram A multi-user site that lets you practice Japanese with other users.
- Lang 8 - A multilingual blogging and correction website. Native Japanese will correct your Japanese, while you can correct other user's writings of English or your native tongue.
Language FAQ
Template:Todo Language FAQ. Questions like the difference between は and が.
Sources: This page lists media or textual sources which you can use to learn Japanese.
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- Create another user with a more personalized username (first log out, then click create an account).
- Join the News Group
- Edit this page and replace it's content with something more interesting for new visitors.
- Read How to make a successful wiki
- Read the Help Page