
From Jalassociatecomics

Revision as of 08:37, 16 October 2007 by Jedddajedi (Talk | contribs)
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What is JALassociatecomics about? Well, out project vision can be divided into three segments: Comic, Background, and Stuff. What are Comic, Background and stuff? Let us explain below:




MISSION STATEMENT: To shoot, refine and publish the following photo dramas of the Grand Marshal Trilogy:The Remnant Threat, Wrath of the Marshal and tentatively The Fall of Evil. However, it is important to note that our work is by no means limited to these three stories, and we are free to publish any prequel, sequel or interquel.

Simply put, we intend to construct and publish the episodes α, β and γ of the Grand Marshal trilogy. This is done by taking shots of vignettes, scaling and otherwise editing and modifying the photos, and finally putting them up on the wiki.

Episode α: The Remnant Threat

The Remnant Threat primarily focuses on the emergence of a new Imperial leader, the Grand Marshal of the Galactic Empire. This was intended to ba a one-shot drama, but as postproduction began, we decided to spawn several sequels, as seen below. As of 2006, TRT is still being published, but the first 54 panels are up and online. Yay.

Episode β: Wrath of the Marshal

The Wrath of the Marshal documents the return of the Marshal and his triumphant campaign, and reveals the jaw-dropping real identity of the Grand Marshal. This is the second part of the drama, and introduces plenty of new characters and vehicles. Shooting of WotM is ongoing, and somewhere through 1/3 of the way till the incredible finale.

Episode γ: The Fall of Evil?

Not much is known about this, but it'll show the fall of the Marshal, whatever it is.


MISSION STATEMENT: To provide, write and publish a comprehensive and interesting background of the various characters, craft, locations and conflicts that appear in the Grand Marshal Trilogy.

This is evident in the pages relating to each of those concepts in the main wiki itself. Any original craft seen in the story are documented in the corresponding page, and so on and so forth. In this aspect we ape Wookiepedia,in that we provide information in a formal and encyclopedic way.


MISSION STATEMENT: To publish what the hell we want on this wiki.

Pretty much as says above. The rest of the wiki has some guides, a fanfic, a completely unrelated science fiction universe and a chess variant. Go figure. Furthermore, J and L's other unrelated interests surface as well, including James Bond, Batman and the teletubbies. I was kidding on the last one, okay!

That's it

Feel free to explore. Thanks for visiting our wiki.

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