About J and L
From Jalassociatecomics
Welcome to the page where you get to know more about J and L! J and L are best friends and long-time partners, though in other interpretations are just fanaticcal fan-boys crazy about Star Wars and Lego.
For privacy reasons, the full names of J and L cannot be revealed. This, however, can be:
(please note that the pics don't look very much like J and L in real life.)
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J is 13 (as of 2006) and, like L, lives in Singapore, which by the way is not a weird Chinese fishing village. J is L's upstairs neighbour and, though he has slightly less fan-boy smarts than L, is just about as fanatical. He prides himself on his slightly larger, better-kept and more complete Star Wars Lego collection (which just peeves L). Besides SW and Lego, J is crazy about Batman, loves movies (esp. Special Effects) and enjoys writng (exhibited in the novel sections of the Grand Marshal bit of this site).
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Despite having his name come in second in the logo, L is pretty much in charge. L is 14 (as of 2006) and is a real fan-boy. Most of the stuff you see on this wiki are his "jyneus" ideas, and pretty good ones at that. L makes most of the descisions and does most of the research. Armed with his computer skills, L's wiki smarts help to spice up this site a little. L likes Batman as well (inherited from his Dad)and has a whole load of other interests, including anything sci-fi and soccer.
Hope you've enjoyed the mini bios.