Wrath of the Marshal characters
From Jalassociatecomics
This page details the character traits of the characters who appeaar in Wrath of the Marshal, the second installment of the Grand Marshal Trilogy comics/stories. These serve as introductions before you begin reading/ viewing.
Spoiler warning: Plot AND ending details follow. If you're the type who LOVES revealing the ending ten seconds into a movie, and ruin the experience for all, read on. Read on, you selfish <insert insult directed at your mother here>.
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Luke Skywalker
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While significantly absent from action in the first part of this tableau (though he does get roughed-up in a big explosion), he is the head Jedi General of the now-professional Rebel Army, including pilots, Anti-Imperial clone troopers and soldiers. Luke has handpicked several talented, young individuals to join the new Jedi order. Two of these Jedi are the stars of this comic, as you will read later.
Atli Tórur
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Atli Tórur was considered to be talented in the force (although this comes at a time where most of the Jedi are dead.) Luke Skywalker recruited him in 1 ABY It is said that Ben Kenobi in spirit form approved of Luke's choice. He hails from Onderon, brutally overtaken by the Empire after the Clone Wars. Deuv idolizes Solo and wishes to modify a YT-1300 to be like the Millennium Falcon. He constructs a mean airspeeder which he utilizes in a chase.
Syf Yarnxa
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Syf Yarnxa is a descendant of the Rebel settlers escaping from Sulon to Ruusan. She has joined the Rebel cause only out of family duty, and at times has been known to question the cause. Luke Skywalker noticed her Force potential and recruited her as a Jedi. Since then, she has rosen to the rank of Subconsular. She has taken a fancy to Atli Tórur. Her Rebellion heroine is none other than Leia herself, whom she is thrilled to meet.
Leia Organa Solo
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Leia takes a slightly back role in this particular episode, but participates in the struggle during the "Wrath of the Marshal". She is a full-fledged consular, and oversees the progess of Yurdin and Jaarn. {Note: Luke is the one doing the training.} She is also a High Commodore of the Rebel Army, and commands the 29th and 313th Brigades in the final battle.
Han Solo
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The former space pirate flies his majestic flagship once again, with the two starring padawans riding along. He imparts some of his expertise to Thor'nod, who is eager to learn from his hero. Han Solo is seen more with Chewbacca in this installment, the two of them leading the final battle with Leia. The comic also catches him in some personal moments with Leia, one of which involving the identity of the Grand Marshal.
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The loyal Wookiee has much more "screen-time" in this comic. He also uses his deadly crossbow in a tense ambush situation. He is involved in several battles, usually being the last to fire on Impeirals as the Rebels escape from vengeful invading forces, and even becomes a war prisoner when Han is forced to escape without Chewie or face certain and utter destruction.
Grand Marshal
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The Grand Marshal Strikes Back! Apparently he ISN'T dead, and plans much evil toward the new New Order. No fancy schemes. No giant battlestations. Simple, pure destruction of the "Rebel" Cause. A new army has been amassed with both loyalty and money, and the time to strike is nigh. Little does the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker know that the Marshal has a personal vendetta against him...
Spoiler warning: Plot AND ending details follow. If you're the type who LOVES revealing the ending ten seconds into a movie, and ruin the experience for all, read on. Read on, you selfish <insert insult directed at your mother here>.
In 3 BBY, the Grand Marshal had yet to turn to the Empire. Rather, he was a childhood friend of Luke, named Dzhon Sanyon GMSpoilerpic. In one fateful event, he, on Luke's bad advice, managed to crash his T-16 Skyhopper in Beggar's canyon.
Luke dashed to get help, but Sanyon believed that Luke had sabotaged him, intending to kill him. He was picked up by an Imperial med team, and quickly rose in the ranks. When asked what his name was, he named himself "A'denla Darasuum", Mando'a for "vengeful eternity", what he intended to bring upon Luke. After the first death of the Emperor, he looted the throne room, finding the Kaiburr Crystal, which magnified his Force potential a thousandfold. Now he had the means and the will to destroy Skywalker and his beloved Rebel cause once and for all.
Mysterious Dark Acolytes
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Very little is known about these two mysterious Dark Jedi. One rumour is that the Grand Marshal had managed to find a way to bribe even the supposedly incorruptible Imperial Red Guards to serve him, and then trained them in the ways of the dark side. Another goes that he shared the power of the Kyber crystal with his lieutenants, and then used the Great Sith Holocron to teach them the ways of the Dark. Regardless of their origin, they are the Marshal's second-in-commands, and the only way to distinguish either is through dextral/sinistral identification.
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Not much to say on this front. The essential everyman of the Empire, they have been re-recruited by the maleovent Grand Marshal with promises of payment and glory among other things. They return as the cannon fodder in "The Wrath of the Marshal", and strike with unexpected suddeness. Their aim has been improved to a certain standard, and are merciless in gunning down hundreds of redshirts. The head of the Yavin Invasion is SC-1618 who is personally responsible for Syf Yarnxa's death .
Super Battle Droid/Battle Droid
The Confederacy will rise again. These numerous and reprogrammed battle droids now serve the Grand Marshal, and Jedi will have to fight Empire and CIS alike. This will undoubtedly cause a musical cacophony with simulataneous CIS themes and Imperial Marches. The Grand Marshal has reactivated plants on Genosis and Mustafar, and his droid army will soon rival his Imperial forces. The Jedi will have to face a blast from the past as long-forgotten enemies return...