Procyon system

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Procyon is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor [Gaia terminology] and the eighth brightest star in the nighttime sky, only eleven and a half lightyears. It is the home system of the lizardlike Varran. Four planets orbit it: Almeada, Tumanya, Das Korrid, and Takito. Of these, only Takito is inhabitable.


Almeada is an tiny rocky planet, continually in danger of assimilation from the blue supergiant. Its conditions are incredibly harsh, and everything built on it has melted almost immediately, even on its far side. A Varran expedition to the hostile planet ended in complete destruction and the deaths of a thousand.

Tumanya is very slightly more bearable than Almeada, and one species of basic venom-spitting crablike creature has been spotted on it. The atmosphere of Tumanya is thick and has been compared to that of Venus in the Sol System. Two hundred Varran died chocking on it in yet another failed attmept to explore their system.

Das Korrid is a gas giant, and has several moons, all cold, icy rocks. The Varrans did not dare to even attempt colonising any of the moons, knowing the temperature would kill them instantly. It is larger than Neptune but smaller than Uranus, and is goldenrod.

The Varran live on Takito. It is warmer in general than Earth, and slightly smaller (and consequently having a weaker gravitational field), optimal conditions in making reptilians dominant. The Varran evolved from the lizards and crocodiles that dotted the planet. Unlike the home system of the Caasuri, no asteroid belts circle Procyon, but the sheer number of planets in the way has delayed a [League of the Commonwealth] invasion.

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