Transformers: Prime (TV Series)
From Iwe
Transformers: Prime is an American computer-animated television series based on the Transformers toy franchise by Hasbro that aired on Hub Network from November 29, 2010 to July 26, 2013. The series was followed by a TV movie, Predacons Rising, which premiered on October 4, 2013 and concluded the show's story. Transformers: Prime focuses on the heroic Autobots that make up "Team Prime", which consists of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead. Throughout their battles, the Autobots are aided by three human children and with their help attempt to protect the Earth from the villainous Decepticons and their leader Megatron.
Development of the series began in early 2010 with the announcement that Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, screenwriters of the first two live-action films, would be creating the series. Casting began soon after with the announcement that Peter Cullen and Frank Welker would reprise their roles as Optimus Prime and Megatron. According to executive producer Jeff Kline, the two characters, along with Bumblebee, were considered "must-haves" for the series and from that point on, they tried to include characters that would contemplate their personalities "rather than emulate them". From the early stages of development, a story bible had been created so that the writer had a basic idea of where the plot was heading. Early in development, it was announced that the first season would consist of 26 episodes; the first five airing as a miniseries from November 29 to December 3, 2010; the rest episodes aired from February 11 to October 11, 2011. While the first season was still running, it was announced the show had been renewed for a second season, also consisting of 26 episodes. It was also the first entirely computer-animated Transformers TV series since Beast Wars: Transformers, which aired 14 years prior to Prime.
Contents |
[edit] Premise
[edit] Setting
[edit] Synopsis
[edit] Cast and characters
- Main article: List of Transformers: Prime characters
The series stars Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), who acts as the leader of the Autobots. In his fight to protect the Earth, Optimus is aided by Ratchet (Jeffrey Combs), who acts as the teams medic and responsible for sending the team out on various locations using the Groundbridge. Bulkhead (Kevin Michael Richardson) acts as the teams muscle and heavy lifting. Arcee (Sumalee Montano) can transform into a motorcycle and is considered the team's most agile fighter. Rounding up the cast is Bumblebee (Will Friedle), who is the team's scout; Bumblebee remains voiceless throughout most of the series due to his voice box having been damaged and has to communicate through beeps.
During the first season, the Autobots encounted Wheeljack (James Horan), one of Bulkhead's fellow Wreckers. While initially appearing for one episode in season one, the character would play a more important role and join the team in the latter half of season two. During the same season, Smokescreen (Nolan North) also joins the team. During the final season, Ultra Magnus (Michael Ironside), who is Optimus' second-in-command, comes to Earth to aid him and the Autobots in defeating the Decepticons.
[edit] Production
[edit] Development
[edit] Writing
[edit] Casting
[edit] Music
[edit] Release
Season | Episodes | Originally aired | DVD and Blu-ray release dates | ||||
First aired | Last aired | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 4 |
[edit] Broadcast
[edit] United States
[edit] International
[edit] Home media
[edit] Reception
[edit] Ratings
[edit] Critical response
[edit] Accolades
Year | Award | Category | Recipient | Result | Ref. |
[edit] Marketing, merchandise and other media
[edit] Toy line
- Main article: Transformers: Prime (toy line)
[edit] Mobile media
[edit] Books
[edit] Video game
- Main article : Transformers: Prime – The Game
[edit] Sequel
[edit] References
[edit] External links
Template:Transformers Aligned continuity Template:Transformers Template:Hasbro Studios Template:Discovery Family Programs Template:Polygon Pictures