Massacre Championship Wrestling Tournaments

From Iwe

Massacre Championship Wrestling has held tournaments competed for by wrestlers that are a part of their roster.


[edit] Bound for Glory Series (2012)

Qualification matches happen before the Quarterfinals matches with 8 superstars advancing to the Quarterfinals.

The qualification matches were as followed;
(MCW Weekly Show)
(No Surrender)
(No Surrender)
  1 Kevin McAlmond Pin  
8 Ryan Gleason    
    Kevin McAlmond Sub  
    Nick Petrusha    
4 Grant Boyton  
  5 Nick Petrusha Sub  
      Kevin McAlmond Sub
    Jonathon Rispens  
  3 Kris McGowan    
6 Jonathon Rispens Pin  
    Jonathon Rispens Sub
    Marc Beltran    
2 Marc Beltran DQ
  7 Ryan Borske    

[edit] MCW X Division Championship Number One Contender Tournament (2013)

On the January 3, 2013, edition of Impact! MCW started a tournament to determine a new number one contender for the MCW X Division Championship, held by Matt Hooper. The tournament consisted of two singles semifinal matches, taking place on the January 3 and January 10 editions of Impact!, with the finals taking place at Genesis on January 13.

Semifinals Finals

  1 Kevin Ward Pin  
2 Sean Thorton  
  Sean Thorton Pin
    Brian King  
3 Michael Fonger
  4 Brian King Pin  

[edit] Bound for Glory Series

Main article: Bound for Glory Series

The Bound for Glory Series are a tournament in which 12 wrestlers compete in a series of matches over several months to determine who receives a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

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