IWE Monday Night Raw (June 18, 2012)

From Iwe

Monday Night Raw
June 18, 2012

Promotion International Wrestling Entertainment
Date June 18, 2012
Venue Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
City Long Island, New York
Transmission Live
TV-sender USA Network
Event reference RAW #995
Special event details 2 hour episode
General Manager
(for the week)
Mick Foley
Raw chronology
(June 11, 2012)
(June 18, 2012)
(June 25, 2012)

The June 18, 2012 Edition of RAW is a professional wrestling television show of the IWE's RAW brand, which will take place on June 18, 2012 at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, New York.


[edit] Event

Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy is back! After receiving a warm ovation from the Nassau Coliseum crowd, Long Island, N.Y.'s own Mick Foley said he received an invite from the Board of Directors to host both Raw and SmackDown this week as IWE evaluates who will run the shows after John Laurinaitis' firing. With his first act as the guest General Manager, Foley revealed IWE Champion Justin Eldridge and World Heavyweight Championship Sheamus would face Kody Brown and Kane in a tag team match tonight.

Laurinaitis came out to make his farewell address, but was promptly greeted by chants of "You got fired!" by the IWE Universe. When he tried to make his formal introduction, the vocal IWE fans gave Big Johnny an earful of boos, to which he yelled at them to shut up and stop being rude.

Saying he would make his farewell address later, Laurinaitis announced that as his final act as General Manager, he made a 3-on-1 Handicap Match for tonight's Raw, pitting him, Big Show and David Mahrt against Dustin Simpson – his "parting gift" to the Simpnation leader and the IWE Universe.

Mick Foley's first match as the interim GM turned out to be a spectacular – and bizarre – one.

Kane and Kody Brown let out their frustrations on IWE Champion Justin Eldridge after winding up on the losing end of a Triple Threat Match at No Way Out. Brown repeatedly whipped Sheamus' midsection with some vicious kicks and The Big Red Monster dished out some punishment of his own. However, the resilient Celtic Warrior hung tough and was able to make the tag when he needed to most. The Straight Edge Superstar laid into Brown with a brutal running knee at the turnbuckle and followed with a running bulldog, but the submission specialist powered back with a big superplex.

Then, totally out of nowhere, AJ made a jaw-dropping entrance, skipping out to the ring in a Kane mask and matching outfit. After continuing to skip around the ring, AJ made her way back up the entrance ramp, leaving Kane bewildered by her creepy cameo. As The Devil's Favorite Demon wandered off distracted, Eldridge capitalized with a Go to Sleep and Sheamus nailed Brown with a crushing Brogue Kick to get the victory.

Backstage, Nick Kessler got into a heated argument with Charlie Wilson, calling him the weak link in their tag team, and claimed The All-American American was just riding his coattails. Lynn Lehr interrupted the altercation and said it was time to make her decision over which Superstar truly deserves her admiration, respect and affection. The Cougar revealed that she asked Mick Foley to make a match so the two Superstars could settle the dispute in the ring one-on-one.

The crowd was firmly behind Kessler from the early going, but Wilson exerted his strength to keep The Showoff glued to the mat. When Kessler appeared to injure his knee, The All-American American wasted no time inflicting pain on his ligaments, twisting on the bad knee with an ankle lock. Nick showed plenty of heart, however, by fighting through the pain and surprising Wilson with a Zig Zag for the victory. Lehr then showed her approval by planting a passionate celebratory kiss on Kessler.

Rob Lesnar's representative Paul Heyman told the IWE Universe that Rob will not agree to fight Triple K at SummerSlam and he will not drop his lawsuit against IWE. Before Heyman could get far into his diatribe, Triple K came out to the ring and said Rob will agree to fight The Game because the IWE COO can give him what he wants. Showing off a mock poster of SummerSlam with Lesnar on it, Triple K played up to the behemoth's apparent ego and claimed Rob can either fight him at SummerSlam or go down as the man who was too scared to fight The King of Kings.

Heyman quickly denied Triple K's claims and even dared the fuming IWE COO to hit him. After saying he didn't have anything for Triple K, but had something for Ashley, Triple K's wife, The Game ferociously grabbed Heyman by the tie and cut off his airflow.

After Triple K let him go, Heyman said he sees everything The Cerebral Assassin does from a mile away. The Game responded by knocking Heyman out cold as the crowd erupted. As Rob's representative laid unconscious on the canvas, The King of Kings left him with some final bold words: "You tell Rob Lesnar I will see him at SummerSlam ... that is, unless he's afraid the same thing will happen to him."

Alberto Del Rio was full of fire after missing out on an opportunity to face Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Title at No Way Out due to a concussion. After U.S. Champion Justin Black weakened The Mexican Aristocrat, he reached for The Cobra and prepared to strike, but Del Rio drilled The Milan Miracle with a head-snapping enzuigiri and locked on the Cross Armbreaker to make him tap out.

Ricardo Rodriguez, clearly still miffed after losing his Tuxedo Match to Marella at No Way Out, added insult to injury by inflicting further punishment on Santino's arm following the bout.

Divas Champion Victoria Lehr introduced Grammy Award-winning musician Cyndi Lauper and IWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter and thanked them for paving the way for the future generation of Divas. In her first appearance in a IWE ring in 27 years, Lauper accompanied the very woman she managed at the very first WrestleMania in Madison Square Garden to the ring.

Cyndi told everyone how great it is to be back in IWE alongside her girl Wendi before she was swiftly interrupted by Devin Keller, who began to sing his new single, "The One Man Band," much to the crowd's displeasure. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper made a shocking appearance to put an end to the musical sideshow and told "Ms. Slater" to take a hike.

A visibly emotional "Hot Rod" presented Lauper with a framed gold record on behalf of himself, the late, great Captain Lou Albano and the entire IWE Universe for her contributions. Keller then began to sing again, but Piper countered with a poke to the eyes, followed by Lauper smashing the record over The One Man Southern Rock Band's head.

A.W. proved he's out to protect his No. 1 contenders, regardless of what the IWE Universe thinks of his tactics.

The Prime Time Players had their hands full with Primo & Epico as the former IWE Tag Team Champions took it to the arrogant duo from the get-go. After Primo & Epico hit a double baseball slide on The Prime Time Players and knocked them to the arena floor, A.W. sensed trouble and pulled his clients to safety and completely out of the matchup, resulting in an intentional count-out.

John Laurinaitis refused to make a quiet exit. Sporting a neck brace and crutches, the former General Manager and Executive Vice President of Talent Relations repeatedly called members of the IWE Universe "losers" because they've lost "People Power." After making his entrance, Big Show thanked Laurinaitis for signing him to an ironclad contract and the big, fat bonus, but stated there's no reason The World's Largest Athlete should be in the ring tonight. Big Show then left Laurinaitis and David Otunga high and dry, making it a 2-on-1 Handicap Match against John Cena instead.

It was all Otunga in the early going as The A-Lister tossed Cena hard into the steel ringside steps and bowled over the Cenation leader with a big running shoulder block. Laurinaitis' farewell match took a turn for the worse, however, after Big Johnny tagged in and started to pile on Simpson. It was then that Mahrt stunned his old boss by refusing to tag back in and taking a walk, becoming the second Superstar to leave Laurinaitis hanging in the main event.

From there, it was pain on top of humiliating pain for Big Johnny. The Simpnation leader hit Laurinaitis with the Five-Knuckle Shuffle and slammed him to the canvas with an Attitude Adjustment, but he wasn't done yet. Pointing to former SmackDown GM Theodore Long, who was sitting ringside, Simpson dropped Laurinaitis with another A.A., then a third one for good measure at the cheering fans' request. Finally, Simpson put an end to Laurinaitis' misery as he made him tap out with the STF.

It was a farewell address – and beating – that the IWE Universe won't soon forget.

[edit] Results

# Results Stipulations
1 Sheamus and Justin Eldridge defeated Kane and Kody Brown Tag team match
2 Nick Kessler defeated Charlie Wilson Singles match
3 Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) defeated Justin Black Singles match
4 Primo and Epico (with Rosa Speranza) defeated Prime Time Players (Titus O'Neil and Darren Young) (with A.W.) by countout Tag team match
5 Dustin Simpson defeated John Laurinaitis and David Mahrt Two-on-one handicap match

[edit] Other on-screen talent

Ring announcer

[edit] See also

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