Template:Gregorian serial date

From Iwe

Revision as of 11:34, 7 April 2016 by IWEWrestling2012 (Talk | contribs)


       + ((2025 - 1) * 365)
       + (((2025 - 1) - ((2025 - 1) mod 4)) / 4)     
       - (((2025 - 1) - ((2025 - 1) mod 100)) / 100) 
       + (((2025 - 1) - ((2025 - 1) mod 400)) / 400) 

       + {{ #ifexpr:     
                    (02 - 1) < 8 
                    | ( (02 - 1) * 30.5 round 0) 
                    | ( (02 - 1) * 30.5 + 0.9 round 0 ) 
       - {{ #ifexpr: (02 <= 2) | 0 |  
            {{ #ifexpr:    
                    (2025 / 4) = (2025 / 4 round 0)          
                     and (2025 / 100 != 2025 / 100 round 0)  
               | 1 | 2 
       + {{ #ifexpr: (02 <= 2) | 0 |
            {{ #ifexpr: 
                    (2025 / 400) = (2025 / 400 round 0) 
               | 1 | 0 
       + 6
}}{{#ifexpr: 2025 < 1 |
       _ERROR - Can not handle dates before January 1, 1 A.D.
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