Black Style (GWF)

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Revision as of 22:35, 30 March 2012 by IWEWrestling2012 (Talk | contribs)
Better Than You
Tag team
Member(s) AJ Styles
Tyler Black
Name(s) Black Style
Heights AJ Styles:
5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Tyler Black:
6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)
420 lb (191 kg)
Debut March 28, 2012
Promotions GWF

Black Style is a efed professional wrestling team from Global Wrestling Federation (GWF) consisting of AJ Styles and Tyler Black.


March 28, 2012 Styles and Black debuted in a backstage segment, later that week the team name was set as Black Style.

In wrestling

  • AJ Styles' finishing moves
    • Flying armbar
    • Frog splash
    • Spiral Tap (Corkscrew somersault transitioned into either a leg drop or a senton bomb)
    • Styles Clash (Belly-to-back inverted mat slam, sometimes from the second rope)
    • Superman (Springboard 450° splash)
  • Tyler Black's finishing moves
    • Avada Kedavra / Superkick, sometimes preceded by a turnbuckle powerbomb[5]
    • God's Last Gift / Small Package Driver (Fisherman DDT followed into a small package, sometimes from the top rope)
    • Paroxysm (Spinning lifting inverted DDT)
    • Phoenix splash
  • Nicknames
    • "The Phenomenal One" (AJ Styles)
    • "The Phenomenal" (AJ Styles)
  • Entrance themes
    • "I Am I Am (AJ Styles '11 Remix)" by Dale Oliver (Styles)

Championship and accomplishments

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