Causes of hypoxia
From Iusmphysiology
- started here on 02/17/11 at 8AM.
[edit] Causes of hypoxia
[edit] Objectives
[edit] Definitions
- Hypoxemia is an abnormally low PO2 in arterial blood.
- Hypox = low oxygen
- emia = blood
- clinically = PO2 < 80
- this is different than hypoxia
- Hypoxia = any state in which the availablity of oxygen to the tissues is impaired.
- You can have low oxygen to the tissues but not be hypoxic.
- Stroke: brain isn't getting blood flow but the blood has normal amount of oxygen.
- CO poisoning or anemia: think about this
- You can have low oxygen to the tissues but not be hypoxic.
[edit] Primary causes of hypoxemia
- Four primary reasons: hypoventilation, diffusion impairment, shunt, or V/Q mismatch
[edit] Hypoventilation
- If you breathe too little, PaCO2 goes up, and this is how it is measured clinically.
- Always always High PaCO2 = hypoventilation.
- amount of CO2 produced by tissue and the rate of blow off determines the PACO2.
- PACO2 is inversely proportional to ventilation (VA).
- Usually PAO2 and PaO2 are low
- Give supplemental oxygen.
- Obstruction example:
- If air can't get to alveoli, PAO2 will be low.
- PACO2 is high because airway cannot blow off CO2
- The longer one is obstructed, the lower PAO2 goes and the higher PACO2 goes.
[edit] Causes
- Drugs that depress the respiratory system: morphine, barbituates, etc.
- Injury to the medulla or to the respiratory centers
- Disease states that impair muscle function like myasthenia gravis
- If skeletal muscle is depressed diaphragm won't depress and air won't come in.
- One more.
[edit] Diffusion impairment
- Equilibration of gases won't occur in this case.
- Even though air gases are the same, PaO2 and PaCO2 will be abnormal (won't equal that of the alveolar gas); PaO2 will be low and PaCO2 will be high.
- Gas on Hb does not contribute to partial pressures.
- You can use CO to measure diffusion capacity = DLco
- Known concentration of CO, breathe in over 10 seconds, hold it for 10 seconds, CO is diffusing across, then blow out.
- Measure CO at the end of expiration.
- This will tell us how much diffused.
- If blow flow is high (cardiac output is high), more Hb per unit time is flowing past so more diffusion will occur.
- think higher heart rate, higher hematocrit, etc.
- Most disease states will reduce DLco
- Emphysema decreases surface area so diffusion goes down.
- fibrosis decreases because diffusion will occur more slowly.
- Edema will decrease because the diffusion distance goes up.
- Anemia will decrease the Hb delivery to the alveoli so it decreases the DLco.
[edit] Shunt
- A shunt moves deox blood into oxygenated blood.
- The deoxed blood was never exposed to the alveoli so it looks like venous blood (PO2 = 40, PCO2 = 46).
- This shunt is a right to left shunt.
- There is some normal right to left shunt.
- Adolexisis = collapse of the alveoli
- So blood that travels by these alveoli will not go through exchange and will get mixed and can cause significant lower PO2 levels.
- How do we diagnose?
- Put hypovent person on oxygen, their PO2 goes up.
- Put shunt person on oxygen and PO2 doesn't go up b/c the blood never sees the high PO2 air.
- This is how you diagnose.
- Normal person on oxygen would go to PAO2 660!
[edit] Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
- This is the most common cause of hypoxemia.
- Normal ventilation is around 4L / min
- Normal perfusion = Q (cardiac output) = 5 L / min
- Normal V / Q ratio is about 0.8
- Normal range is 0.8-1.2
- Deviations means theres an impaired ability to exchange.
[edit] Limits of V/Q mismatch
- Airway obstruction:
- The partial pressure of gas in the alveoli will approach venous blood.
- This mnakes sense because that's what they are exposed to.
- In this situation, V is changing, going down.
- So V/Q goes down.
- As V/Q goes down, the blood gases will approach that of venous blood.
- Bloodway obstruction:
- Alveolus is seeing air but not blood.
- Gases in the alveolus will approach that of atmospheric air.
- Q goes down (but is in the denominatory)
- V/Q goes up
- As V/Q goes up, the blood gases will appoarch that of atmospheric air.
[edit] V/Q and PO2 - PCO2
- Normal PO2 = 100, PCO2 = 40.
- As V/Q decreases:
- Gases approach venous: PO2 up and PCO2 down.
- As V/Q increases:
- Gases approach atmospheric air: PO2 goes down and PCO2 goes up.
[edit] Regional gas exchange
- V/Q at the apex is higher than at the base.
- Blood to base of lungs is higher.
- Alveoli in the apex are more expanded b/c of a little extra negative pressure at the top.
- At the bottom blood flow and ventilation are higher.
- But blood flow is higher than the ventilation.
- So V/Q is low.
- As you move from the base to the apex, both V and Q go down; however, blood flow decreases faster.
- At the apex, the V and Q are both low
- but ventilation is higher than the blood flow.
- So V/Q is higher than at the base.
- This affects the gases and exchange.
- Low V/Q (at the apex) means that the gases are closer to the venous; the base has a higher V/Q so will have gases closer to the atmosphere.
See cartoon.
[edit] V/Q and overall gas exchange
- At the apex, the V/Q ratio is higher than at the basse.
- With higher V/Q ratio, the gases will approach the atmosphere levels
- At the base the V/Q ratio is lower than the apex.
- At low V/Q the gases approach the venous levels.
- So the base has low Po2 and Higher PCO2.
- And this is where most of the ventilationa nd perfusion occur.
- So, overall, the blood looks like the exhcnage occuring at the base which is approaching venous levels b/c that's where most of the action takes place.
[edit] Compensation for V/Q mismatch
- With low perfusion, PCO2 goes down.
- So airway smooth muscle sees a lower pH, causing it to constrict to shunt air away.
- Decrease in ventilation, PO2 goes down.
- Blood will be shunted away from low ventilated places.
[edit] Conditions causeing lower V/Q
- Pneumonia, asthma, pulmonary edema, compliance changes, body position
[edit] Lung volume and airway patency
- V/P relationship must take iinto account the difference in V/Q at the base and apex.
- At FRC under normal conditions, alveoli are more expanded at the apex than at the base.
- As you inspire, the alveoli become more equal at the base and apex.
- As you approach residual volume, base alveoli approach collapse.
[edit] Lung volume
- As you breathe in, intrapleurla pressure is most negative at the apex so air goes first to the apex but most of the air goes to the base b/c they are more compliant.
[edit] closing volume
- Diagnosing "small airway disease"
- Determine at what volume you see the collapse of the alveoli at the base of the lung.
- Pt breathes 100% oxygen from residual to total lung capacity.
- Concentration of air in trachea after expiring is alveolar air (high Nitrogen, PO2 = 100, PCO2 = 46)
- Recall that first air breathed is in the apex.
- so the air that has the nitrogen in it will go mostly to the apical alveoli.
- Measure the amount of N coming out.
- First (phase 2) part won't have much N.
- Phase 2 has a mixture of nitrogen and not (from base and apex)
- Phase 3 has a mixture
- Phase 4:
- As you get closwer to residual volume, base alveoli collapse and you get more air from the apical alveoli
- So the second increase in nitrogen represents the closing volume where the base alveoli close
- In small-airway disease, closing volume will occur at much lower volumes.
[edit] P(A-a) gradient and hypoxemia
- This is the best measure of blood oxygenation
- As gases equilabrate with alveoli, there is some mixture of venous blood that will lower the blood gas concentrations.
- Normally by about 10ish.
- This will increase the A-a gradient
- Diffusion impairment, shunt, and V/Q mismatch increase the A-a gradient.
- Hypoventilation is not an exchange issue, only a ventilation issue.
- Hypoventilation does not affect the V/Q gradient.
[edit] Altitude and A-a gradient
- Barometric pressure is falling as you climb.
- Arterial blood pressure at the top will be
- PCO2 is really low (11); so you're hyperventilating.
- Oxygen saturation is pretty low; 42%.
- PAO2 = (200 - 47) * 0.21 - 11 / 0.8
- = (barometric pressure - partial pressure of water) * (percent of oxygen) - PACO2 / V:Q ratio
- = 18 = PAO2
- Normally like 100!
- Not conducive with life.
- And that's with hyperventilation.
- So decreases in barometric pressure can cause hypoxemia.
[edit] Acute Response to hypoxemia
- Our only acute response is hyperventilation.
- Will bring in more O2 but will decrease CO2.
- And low CO2 will cause respiratory alkalosis
- Can generate Cheyne-stokes breathing
- A crescendo, decresendo breathing (in volume).
[edit] Chronic adaptations to altitude
- Kidneys can put more bicarb in the urine to help.
- Kindeys can increase EPO to generate more blood cells.
[edit] Other causes of hypoxemia
- Anemic hypoxia
- Normal PO2
- But low content of oxygen
- If Hb is low enough, there will be tissue hypoxia
- Hypoperfusion hypoxia
- Simply low blood flow
- Tissue aint getting enough
- Think stroke, MI, etc.
- Or chronic from whatever
- Histotoxic hypoxia
- Cyanide
- Blocks ETC
- Can't burn oxygen so the tissue in some sense is without enough oxygen function
- Overutilization hypoxia
- Tissue's demand is not being met.
- stopped here on 02/17/11 at 9AM.