Book notes: Chapter 13 - Electrical activity of the heart

From Iusmphysiology


[edit] Key Concepts

[edit] The ionic basis of cardiac electrical activity: the cardiac membrane potential

[edit] The cardiac membrane potential depends on transmembrane movements of sodium, potassium and calcium

[edit] The opening and closeing of cation channels cause the ventricular action potential

[edit] Depolarizing early in the action potential: selective opening of sodium channels

[edit] Late depolarization (plateau): selective opening of calcium channels and closing of potassium channels

[edit] Repolarization: selective opening of potassium channels

[edit] Resing membrane potential: open potassium channels

[edit] The opening of Na and Ca and the closing of K channels causes the pacemaker potential of the SA and AV nodes

[edit] The refractory period is caused by a delay in the reactivation of Na channels

[edit] Neurotransmitters and other ligands can influence membrane ion conductance

[edit] The initiation and propagation of cardiac electrical activity

[edit] Excitation starts in the SA node because SA cells reach threshold first

[edit] The action potential is propagated by local currents created during depolarization

[edit] Excitation usually spreads from the SA node to atrial muscle to the AV node to the purkinje system to ventricular muscle

[edit] Slow conduction through the AV node

[edit] Rapid conduction through the ventricles

[edit] The electrocardiogram

[edit] The ECG records the dipoles produced by the electrical activity of the heart

[edit] Measurement of the voltage associated with a dipole

[edit] Changes in dipole magnitude and direction

[edit] Portions of the ECG are associated with electrical activity in specific cardiac regions

[edit] The p wave and atrial depolarization

[edit] The PR interval and atrioventricular conduction

[edit] The QRS complex and ventricular depolarization

[edit] The ST segment and Phase 2 of the ventricular action potential

[edit] The T wave and ventricular repolarization

[edit] The QT interval

[edit] ECG leads give the voltages measured between different sites on the body

[edit] The ECG provides information about cardiac dipoles as vectors

[edit] The mean QRS electrical axis is determined from the limb leads

[edit] The ECG permits the detection and diagnosis of irregularities in heart rate and rhythm

[edit] The ECG provides three types of information about the ventricular myocardium

[edit] The pattern of ventricular excitation

[edit] Changes in the mass of electrically active ventricular myocardium

[edit] Abnormal dipoles resulting from ventricular myocardial injury

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