Sexual differentiation, HPG axis

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Sexual differentiation and the HPG Axis

Learning objectives

Sexual differentiation

  • Genetics is determined at fertilization.
    • XY = male
    • XX = female
  • The sperm has either an X or a Y and donates it to the X-containing ovum.

  • There are many levels of sexual differentiation:
    • establishing the genetic sex
    • differentiation of the gonads
    • differentiation of the internal reproductive organs
    • differentiation of the external genitalia
    • gender role
    • gender identity

Differentiation of the gonads

  • As an embryo develops, the gonads become the source of gender hormones:
    • In males, the gonads become the testes and provide testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.
    • In females, the gonads become the ovaries and provide estrogen.
  • The gonads take their developmental cues from their genotype as to how it should develop and what hormones it should produce.
  • An XY gonad has a Y chromosome with the Sex-determining region Y (SRY).
    • SRY is also called testis determining factor (TDF).
  • SRY is the master switch that causes differentiation to head toward male.
  • SRY encodes a transcription factor that is part of the high mobility group (HMG) family.

SRY and PAR on the Y chromosome

  • The PAR (psudoautosomal region) of the Y chromosome is a well conserved area that allows the Y chromosome to pair with the X chromosome for cell division.
  • PAR is at the very distal area of the short arm of the Y chromosome.
  • SRY is located just proximal to the PAR and is considered part of the sex determining region.

  • Two diseases are associated with SRY:
    • SRY defects lead to XY females; Swyer syndrome.
    • Translocation of the SRY region from the Y chromosome to the X chromosome yields XX males; XX male syndrome.

Differentiation of the internal genital ducts

  • Initially, embryos initially have a set of undifferntiated gonads and both Wolffian ducts and Mullerian ducts.
  • The ducts become the transporters of sperm or egg.
    • Wolffian ducts mature into the epididymis and vas deferens.
    • Mullerian ducts mature into the oviduct, uterus, and upper part of the vagina.
  • Based on the genotype of the gonads (that is, the presence or absence of SRY), the gonads will begin to express hormones.
    • Testes produce AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone), testosterone, and dht (dihydrotestosterone).
    • Ovaries produce no hormones embryonically.
  • The presence of hormones from the gonads determines the differentiation of the internal genitalia.

  • If SRY is present:
    • AMH, test, and testosterone are produced by the developing gonads
    • Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is responsible for degeneration of the female-associated Mullerian ducts in males
      • We say that the Mullerian ducts involute; involute: "rolled inwards spirally" per [ LSU Biology]
    • Gonads differentiate into testes.

  • If SRY is not present:
    • No hormones are produced by the developing gonads
    • The Wolffian ducts atrophy.
    • Gonads differentiate into ovaries.
    • Note that female seems to be the default gender.

Swyer syndrome

  • Recall that Swyer syndrome results from a SRY defect in an XY patient.
  • Swyer syndrome is considered a type of hypogonadism because the expected male gonads did not develop.
  • Not that though the gonads do not develop correctly in Swyer syndrome, the internal and external genitalia do develop normally.
    • Note, however, that puberty does not occur normally so external genitalia do not mature through puberty.
  • Patients with Swyer syndrome are often treated with estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy.

Klinefelter's syndrome

  • Klinefelter's syndrome results from a 47 XXY genotype.
  • XXY genotype results in poorly developed testicles.
  • Underdeveloped testicles can result in non-masculine features and pro-feminine features:
    • Non-masculine: poor beard growth, poor chest hair growth, frontal hair growth (lack of frontal balding), small testicular size
    • Pro-feminine features: narrow shoulders, wide hips, breast development, female-like pubic hair growth

Differentiation of external genitalia

  • Like gonads and ducts (internal genitalia), the external genitalia begin in a bipotent state from which they can develop into either male or female external genitalia.
  • External genitalia are signaled to develop by the presence or absence of androgens--particularly DHT.
  • Male external genitalia develop in the presence of DHT.
  • Female external genitalia develop in the absence of DHT.
Listen for how much anatomy we need to know.

Gender role

  • Gender role is the gender presented by an individual to society.
  • Gender role can be expressed through name, clothing, physical appearance, family role, occupation, and behavior.

Gender identity

  • Gender identity is the internal conviction of one's own gender.
  • We do not currently understand all the factors and complexity of gender identity.
  • There is an interesting, intimate relationship between nature and nurture as it relates to development of role identity.
    • Think prenatal androgen exposure, family beliefs, appearance of the genitalia, and medical / surgical experiences.

Key concepts of the HPG axis

  • The HPG axis is the hypothalamus-(anterior)pituitary-gonad axis.
    • Note that the HPG axis also includes some activity from the cortical regions of the brain (the higher-function centers of the brain).
    • Some examples of higher brain centers that affect the hypothalamus are the visual, olfactory, pineal and stress centers.
  • The hypothalamus contributes to the HPG axis by releasing GnRH.
    • GnRH binds to receptors on the gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary.
  • The gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary contribute to the HPG axis by releasing leutinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
  • The gonads contribute to the HPG axis by secreting sex steroids and peptide hormones.
    • The gonads also release inhibin which feeds back on the anterior pituitary to reduce LH and FSH release.
    • The gonads are also the site of germ cell production and maturation.
    • Testosterone and estrogen from the gonads feed back on the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus to reduce LH / FSH and GnRH release, respectively.

HPG axis in males

  • In males, the hypothalamus releases GnRH to affect gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary.
  • Upon GnRH signaling, gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary release LH and FSH to affect the testicles.
    • LH and FSH negatively feedback on the hypothalamus, too.
  • Upon LH / FSH signaling, the leydig and sertoli cells of the testicles release testosterone and inhibin.
    • Testosterone triggers spermatogenesis and negatively feeds back on the anterior pit and hypothalamus.
    • Inhibin inhibits the anterior pituitary.

  • Note that testosterone is bound by ABP (androgen binding protein) in the blood.

HPG axis in females

  • In females, the hypothalamus releases GnRH to affect gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary.
  • Upon GnRH signaling, gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary release LH and FSH to affect the ovaries.
    • Note that LH / FSH don't negatively feed back on the hypothalamus like they do in the male.
  • Upon LH / FSH signaling, granulosa cells of the ovaries release estradiol, progesterone, inhibin, and activin.
    • Estradiol and progesterone go on to affect target cells.
      • Estradiole and progesterone have opposite feedback effects on the anterior pit and hypothalamus depending on the phase: positive feedback in the follicular phase and negative feedback in the luteal phase.
    • Activin increases FSH production and release and systemically increases proliferation.
    • Inhibin decreases FSH production and release and systemically decreases proliferation

Higher centers

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