Session 4: Introduction to the life cycles

From Iusmicm


[edit] Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of the life cycle as the conceptual framework for understanding normal development.
  • Recognize how normal interactions vary with different pha ses of life; also understand that "life" is a continuum and thes e distinctions are artificial.
  • Learn the basics of infant and child cognitive and emotional growth and development.
  • Recognize the implications of the patient's development on the patient-doctor relationship, e.g., using creativity and play to communicate with children.
  • Understand issues of confidentiality when dea ling with children and associated conflicts, e.g., discussing important medical matters with parents, notifying Child Protective Services of suspected abuse.
  • Understand the major contributions of S. Freud, Bowlby, Piaget, and Erickson to this study.
  • Name and explain the major theories of development of cognition and attachment.
  • Explain the temperment theory of Chess and Thomas including "goodness of fit".
  • Distinguish object permanence and object constancy.
  • State the observable motoric milestones and language achieved at each age level.
  • State the expected cognitive, social and self-care achievements at each age level.
  • Understand the process of play development in children.
  • Understand the 4 parenting styles and their typical outcomes in children.
  • Distinguish the types of thinking seen in preschool age children.

[edit] Goals

  • Provide an overview of normal human behavioral development throughout the lifespan including the physical, language, cognitive, self-care, and social realms.
  • Explain many of the best-known theories of the stages of human development.
  • Connect particular stages of development to possible expected reactions to stressful situations.

[edit] Miscellaneous

  • The five age levels are divided as follows:
    • Infant (year one)
    • Toddler (1-3 years)
    • Preschool years (3-6 years)
    • School age (6-12 years)
    • Adolescent (12-18 years)

[edit] Theories

[edit] Freud

  • Ego is what you talk about and who you are.
  • Angel on the shoulder is superego: the conscious.
    • Not always good, but always based on your value system.
  • Id is the devil: your impulse.
    • Not always bad, but always impulsive.
  • Stages
    • Have to get through each to go to the next.
  • Oral stage
    • experience the world through their mouth.
    • 1-2 ish
  • Anal stage
    • Learning control
    • 2-4 ish
  • Phallic stage
    • Oedipus / electra complex
  • Other stages occur but later in life.

[edit] Erickson

  • Again, must achieve one to succeed in the next.
  • Trust, mistrust
  • Shame, guilt, pride

[edit] Ainsworth's attachment

  • Secure and insecure.
  • Bolby focuses a bit on evolution.
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