Exam 1 PD Objectives

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Chapter 16: Breast

  • Pages 455-476
  • Differentiate the clinical significance of a lump that enlarges during the premenstrual and menstrual stages of the cycle and the breast lump which does not change during the menstrual cycle.
  • Describe and identify the changes of the skin and nipple which are strongly suggestive of neoplasm.
  • Describe the different types of nipple discharge. Differentiate and identify the different types of nipple discharge and their clinical significance.
  • Describe the components of the physical examination of the breast and the proper positioning of the patient for each component.
  • Describe the following changes of the breast: erythema, edema, and dimpling. Identify and describe the differential diagnosis for each of the above physical findings.
  • Describe the proper physical exam technique for axillary examination. Describe and name which lymph node regions that should be palpated on physical examination.
  • Describe the characteristics which should be used to describe a breast mass which is found on physical examination.
  • Based on a clinical description, differentiate between cystic disease, a benign adenoma, and a malignant tumor.

Chapter 19: Female Genitalia

  • Pages 549-583.
  • Identify and describe the components of the physical examination of the female genitalia.
  • Recognize abnormalities that can be found on each component of the exam.
  • Recognize and differentiate the clinical features of genital ulcerations.
  • Describe and give recommendations for screening for cervical cancer for a patient based on the American cancer Society recommendations.
  • Define and recognize the following sequelae of pelvic floor relaxation: cystocele, rectocele, and uterine descent.
  • Define and differentiate the following: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, metorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, and postmenopausal bleeding.
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