OBGYN - Family Planning

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  • Review basic statistics concerning population growth and pregnancy rates
  • Review basic contraceptive options
  • Review sterilization options

World population growth

  • Population growth is logarithmic since around 1950.
  • The world is growing at about 1.8% each year.
  • Every minute, a woman dies of pregnancy / childbirth complications.
    • 99% of these deaths occur in developing countries.
    • 1 million children left motherless.
  • Maternal mortality rates vary from 1/7 (Niger) to 1/17.4k (Sweden).

  • Birth control is controversial for three reasons:
    • Personal issues
    • Religious issues
    • Political issues


  • Counseling about contraception is important.
  • 10% of women don't use birth control.
  • 53% of unintended pregnancies result from these 10% of women (who aren't using birth control).
  • Abortions are highest in those less than 15yo.
    • Abortions decrease as the woman ages to 30-34.
    • Abortions increase again from 35 and up.

  • In 2002 there were 6.4 million pregnancies.
    • 51% were intended
    • 49% were unintended
      • 22% were unintended births
      • 20% were elective abortions
      • 7% were fetal losses

  • Of unintended pregnancies that proceed to live births,
    • 1/4 are "unwanted"
    • 3/4 are "mistimed"

  • Of unintended pregnancies that proceed to live births, about 40% of women were using contraceptives at the time of conception.

Abortion rates

  • The United States of America aborts 22.9 of each 1000 fetuses.
  • Australia: 22.2 / 1000

Birth Controls

  • There are two categories of birth control: contraception (prevent conception) and implant preventors.
  • Contraceptions include:
    • OCPs
    • Norplant
    • Depo-Provera
    • Condoms
    • Diaphragm
    • Foam
    • Rhythm
    • IUDs
  • Implant preventors include IUDs and morning after pills.

  • The most commonly used birth control is tubal ligation making up nearly 50% of contraception use in "non-developed" countries.

Barrier methods

  • Barrier methods include: spermacides, condoms, diaphragms / cervical caps, and sponges

  • Spermacides
    • The active ingredient of spermacides is nonoxynol 9 or actoxynol-3.
      • Nonoxynol and actoxynol disrupt the spermatic cell membrane.
    • The failure rate of spermacides is 15-35%.
    • Patient compliance is generally high.

  • Condoms
    • Male condom failure rate is 5-8% (slippage / breakage) or 5-15%
    • Female condom failure rate is 3% (slippage / breakage) or 5-15%
    • Mechanism of action is to physically block sperm.

  • Diaphragms
    • Mechanism of action is to physically block sperm from gaining access to upper reproductive tract (uterus and fallopian tube.
    • Diaphragms can also hold spermicide.
    • Device must be inserted 1 hour before intercourse.
    • Diaphragm must remain in place for 6-8 hours post-coitus.
    • Failure rate is 10-25%
    • Benefits include:
      • Some protection agains STDs
      • Effective immediately
      • Does not affect breast feeding
      • Does not interfere with intercourse (can be inserted up to 6 hours pre-coitus).
      • No health risks.
      • No systemic side effects.
    • Contraindications include:
      • Hx of toxic shock syndrome
      • Allergy to rubber
      • Allergy to spermicides
      • Repeat UTIs
      • Uterine prolapse
      • Vaginal stenosis
      • Genital anomalies
    • Patient compliance is difficult

  • The sponge
    • Mechanism: contains spermicide
    • Benefits: small, disposible, works for 24 hours (regardless of coitus count)
    • Reintroduced to market in 2009.
    • Failure rate: 26-40%

Hormonal contraceptives

  • Hormonal contraceptives come as oral pills, as injectables, and as an intravaginal ring or a supradermal patch.
  • Injectable contraceptives include:
**Combined injectible contraceptives (CICs)
    • Depo-provera
    • Norplant
    • Implanon

Oral contraceptive pills

  • Failure rate is <1%
  • OCPs can be progesterone only or a combination of estrogen and progesterone (combined oral contraceptives; COCs).

  • Oral contraceptive pills are taken 21 days with 7 days of placebo or no pill.
  • Combined oral contraceptives come in three types depending on their phase:
    • Monophasic: all 21 pills, all of which have some amount of estrogen / progesterone (E/P)
    • Biphasic: 21 active pills, 2 different combinations of E/P
    • Triphasic: 21 active pills, 3 different combinations of E/P

OCP mechanism of action
  • Presence of progesterone decreases FSH and LH levels, including the LH surge.
  • Without the LH surge, ovulation does not occur.
  • Furthermore the endometrial lining is thinner which makes implantation less likely.
  • The cervical lining is thickened which prevents spermatic penetration to the upper reproductive tract.

OCP Benefits
  • Contraceptive benefits of OCP:
    • Highly effective (failure rate <1%)
    • Effective immediately if started by day 7 of menstrual cycle.
    • Pelvic examination not required to initiate use.
    • OCPs do not interfere with intercourse.
    • Few side effects.
    • Convenient and easy.
    • Client can stop use at any time.
    • Can be provided by trained medical staff.

  • Non-contraceptive benefits of OCP:
    • Decrease menstrual flow.
    • Decrease menstrual cramps.
    • Improve anemia (?).
    • Protect against ovarian and endometrial cancer.
    • Decrease bening breast disease and ovarian cysts.
    • Prevent ectopic pregnancy.
    • Protect against some causes of pelvic inflammatory disease.

OCP Effectiveness
  • Perfect use is what is tested but then there is actual or typical use.
    • OCP (combined versions) are 97% effective when taken perfectly.
    • OCP (combined versions) are 92% effective upon actual use.
  • 10 million women are taking OCP; therefore each 1% decrease in effectiveness yields 100k unintended pregnancies
    • 8% decrease simply from perfect use to typical use.

OCP Contraindications
  • Absolute contraindications include:
    • History of vascular disease: pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, coronary vascular atherosclerosis
    • Systemic disease: lupus, chronic hypertension, liver disease, hypercholesterolemia, migraine headaches with auras.
  • Relative contraindications include:
    • Tobacco use
    • >35 yo
    • Depression
    • Seizures without auras


  • Mechanism of action:
    • Suppress ovulation
    • Thicken cervical mucosa
    • Thin endometrium

  • Types of injectable birth controls include:
    • CICs (like OCPs)
    • Depo-Provera
    • Norplant
    • Implantation

  • Failure rate for injectables:
    • CICs: 0.1-1%
    • Depo-Provera: 0.1-0.6%
    • Norplant / Implanton: 0.2-0.6%

  • Injectable limitations
    • Side effects include: nausea, dizziness, breast tenderness, headaches, spotting, light bleeding
    • Effectiveness lowered in combination with other drugs
    • Can delay return to fertility
    • Serious side effects are possible
    • Do not protect against STDs
    • Change the menstrual bleeding pattern
    • User-dependent; that is, the client must return every 30 days.

  • Injectable benefits:
    • Highly effective
    • Effective immediately
    • Pelvic examination not required before use (as with OCPs)
    • Do not interfere with intercourse
    • "Few side effects" (though more than OCPs)
    • Can be provided by trained medical staff
    • No supplies needed by the client

Contraceptive Ring

  • NuvaRing
  • 2 inches in diameter
  • 120mg etonogestrel, 15mg ethinyl estradiol
  • As effective as OCP
  • One ring / cycle
    • 3 weeks in the vagina, 1 week without
  • Not a barrier!

Contraceptive patch

  • Ortho Evra
  • 150 mg norelgestromin, 20mg ethinyl estradiol
  • As effective as OCPs
  • Better compliance (90%) than OCPs (77%)
  • Three patches / cycle, one each week for three weeks; 1 week without patch.

Intra-uterine Devices (IUD)

  • Failure rate of 0.2-3%

  • Mechanism of action can be contraceptive or abortive.
    • Interferes with sperm ability to travel through uterine cavity.
    • Thickens the cervical mucus.
    • Intereferes with reproductive process before ova can reach the uterine cavity.
    • Modifies the endometrial lining to decrease implantation.

  • IUD advantages:
    • Non-hormonal
    • Failure rate of only 0.2-3%
    • Effective immediately
    • Long-term (up to 10 years)
    • Does not interfere with intercourse
    • Immediate return to fertility upon removal
    • Does not affect breast feeding

  • IUD contraindications
    • Pregnancy (risk of ectopic pregnancy)
    • Unexplained vaginal bleeding
    • PID
    • Purulent discharge
    • Distorted uterine cavity
    • Malignment trophoblast disease
    • Pelvic TB
    • Genital tract cancer
    • GU tract infection


  • Sterilization is the most common method of birth control among married couples.
  • Sterilization is the most common method of birth control globally.
  • Only 1% regret sterilization.
  • Failure rate is 1-2% over 10 years

  • 10% of couples choosing sterilization choose vasectomy
    • Failure rate of vasectomy is 0.1%


  • Laction is a good birth control, too.
    • Lactation failure rate is 2% for the first 6th months.
    • Mechanism of action is disruption of GnRH release because of frequent, intense suckling at the nipple.
    • Disrupted GnRH means disrupted LH / FSH release which means no ovulation.
    • Limitations
      • Does not protect against STDs
      • No longer effective once menses begin again
      • Hard to maintain because of social aspects of breast feeding

  • NFP / Rhythm birth control
    • Requires that couples be highly motivated to maintain compliance.
    • Failure rate is 1-45%.
    • NFP can be monitored by several methods: calendar, basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus method (Billings), or symptothermal (BBT + Billings)

  • Withdrawal method birth control
    • One of the oldest methods.
    • Failure rate is 20-25%

Emergency Contraception

  • "Morning after" pill
    • Debates over whether it is a contraceptive or an abortifacent
  • IUD
    • Abortifacent

Morning After Pill

  • There are two medicinal methods for emergency birth control:
    • The Yuzpe method is 2 tablets of 0.25 mg loveonogestrol at 0 and 12 hours.
    • The Plan B method is 1 tablet of 0.75 mg levonorgestrel at 0 and 12 hours.
      • Plan B has less n / v
      • Plan B is more effective

Male alternatives

  • Traditional methods
    • Periodic Abstinence
      • High contraceptive efficacy if rules followed perfectly
      • Typical 1st year failure rate: 20%
      • Limited Acceptability: low reliability, inflexibility
    • Non-Vaginal Ejaculation
      • Historically the major pre-industrial method of family planning
      • Limited Reliability: requires skill and self-control
      • Typical 1st year failure rate: 20%
    • Vasectomy
      • Relative Contraindications: bleeding disorders, allergy to anesthestics, scrotal pathology
      • Excises a segment of vas deferens
      • Failure Rate: 0.1% - wait as long as three months
  • Condom

  • Modern methods
    • Vas Occlusion
      • "reversible vasectomy"
      • Lower efficacy than true vasectomy
    • Heating
      • Principle: brief elevations of testicular temperature suppresses spermatogenesis
      • Concept: tight scrotal support – remains to be clinically proven
    • Immunocontraception
      • Sperm Vaccination – men and women
    • Chemical (non-hormonal)
      • Target the rapidly proliferating germinal epithelium with drugs, heat, ionising radiation, thereby disrupting mitosis and/or meiosis

  • Hormonal
    • WHO Studies utilized weekly testosterone enanthate injections
      • Provides both gonadotropin suppression and androgen replacement
      • Contraceptive Failure Rate of about 8%
      • Adverse Affects: cardiovascular & prostatic diseases, mood changes
    • Other Studies looked at Androgen Combination regimens:
      • Non-androgens (estrogen, progestins) to suppress gonadotropins with testosterone
      • GnRH Blockades with testosterone add-back
      • FSH Blockades

Family Planning

Family Planning John W. Stutsman, MD Asst. Professor of Clinical OB/GYN Medical Director, Planned Parenthood of Indiana jostutsm@iupui.edu December 12, 2011

In the Beginning…. acm13 • Pubarche upper teens

• Breastfed 3-4 yrs

• 50% reached teens – Disease

– Starvation

… and Now… world-population-historical-small

7 Billion and counting! World-Population-1800-2100

Adolescent Pregnancy birthrategraph2 US CDC: Recent Trends in Teenage Pregnancy in the United States

Adolescent Pregnancy

preggraph Kmietowicz Z, BMJ 2002, June 8; 324 (7330):1354

Unintended Pregnancy in USA At risk

# women 
Unintended preg 
Rate (per 1000) 

+ contraception


No contraception



# women 
Avg $ 
Total $ 





Fetal loss




Trussell J, Contraception 2007; 75(3): 168-170

Reproductive Health Plan ?

How important is it to you to avoid pregnancy now? 


What would you do if you became pregnant now? 


What is your desired family size? 


What is your intended timing for pregnancy? 


Are there health issues that you need to address before you become pregnant? 

Essential Components of Contraceptive Counseling bcp 1.jpg

AutoShape 9_pptX AutoShape 10_pptX AutoShape 11_pptX AutoShape 12_pptX AutoShape 13_pptX Expert Clinical Advisory Committee for A Case-Based Approach to Addressing Hormonal Contraception. 2008.


Typical Use 
Perfect Use 
% using at 1 yr 

No method






Rhythm methods




Female condom


Male condom




Transdermal CHC






Copper-T IUD




ENG implant


Female sterilization


Male sterilization


Cumulative Annual Failure Rates

5-Yr Costs Associated with Contraceptive Methods in the Managed Payment Model Macintosh HD:Users:crmyers:Desktop:stutsman:Fig. 13-1.tif

Barrier Methods

• Spermacides

• Condoms

• Diaphragm & Cervical Caps

• Sponges


Spermacides • Active Ingredient – Either Nonoxynol 9 or Actoxynol-3

– 15 mins before, up to one hour

• Failure Rate – 15 to 35%

• Patient Compliance – HIGH

36 Spermacide1 vcf2

The Sponge • Small, disposable; contains spermacide

• Once in place, can provide contraception for 24hrs no mater how often coitus occurs

• Today Sponge off US market in 1995 but reintroduced in May ‘09

• Other Brands available worldwide

• Failure Rate: 26-40%

sponges elaine01-black_dress

Condoms • Male Condom – Slippage/Breakage Rate: 5-8%

– Failure Rate: 5-15%

– 80% male US teens use condom w/1st act • CDC, Oct. 12, 2011

• Female Condom – Slippage/Breakage Rate: 3%

– Failure Rate: 5-15%

40 43 FCondom FCondom2 Copy of FCondom7 39


• Mechanism of Action

• Failure Rate: 10-20%

• Benefits

• Precautions

• Patient Compliance: – Inserted 1 hr before

– Left in place for 6-8 hrs post-coitus

37 Diaphragm1 Diaphragm2 Diaphragm3 Diaphragm6

Hormonal Contraceptives • Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) – Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

– Progestin-only pills (POPs)

• Transdermal Patch (Ortho Evra)

• Contraceptive Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing)

• Injectable – Combined Injectable Contraceptives (CICs) • Off US market 2002, Cyclofem in other markets

– Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera)

• Implant – Norplant (not in USA) = levonorgestrel

– Implanon -> Nexplanon = etonogestrel

Mechanism of Action of Hormonal Contraception hpopic • Ovulation prevention

• Tenacious cervical mucous

• Decrease uterine and fallopian tube motility

• Decrease endometrial glycogen stores

Secondary Benefits of OCP • Effective contraception – Fewer ectopic pregnancies and abortions

• Regulate menses – Less flow/anemia, less dysmenorrhea

– Prolonged/continuous dosing

• Less salpingitis/PID w/ +GC/CT

• Less acne and hirsuitism

• Decrease benign breast disease

• Decrease risk of endometrial cancer

• Decrease risk of ovarian cancer

Contraindications to CHC • Pregnancy

• Smoking (>15/day) and age >35

• Prior DVT or high risk group – Prolonged immobility

• Uncontrolled/poorly controlled HTN

• Current breast or hepatic cancer

• Peripartum cardiomyopathy

• Migraine with aura

• Vascular disease – h/o MI or CVA

Intrauterine Device…Contraceptive…System • Two types in US – LNG IUS

– Copper T (380 A)

• Mechanism of action –


• Very effective – 0.2-0.8 failure rate annually = BTL



Emergency Contraception Options • EE and progestin – Up to 72 hrs postcoital

• Levonorgestrel – Up to 72 hrs postcoital

• Ulipristal acetate – Up to 120 hrs postcoital

• IUD – Up to 120 hrs postcoital

Emergency Contraception: Indications • Intercourse within past 72-120 hours without contraceptive protection (independent of time in the menstrual cycle)

• Contraceptive mishap – Barrier method dislodgment/breakage

– Expulsion of IUD

– Missed oral contraceptive pills

• Sexual assault

• Exposure to teratogens (eg, cytotoxic drug)

ACOG Practice Bulletin. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2002;78:191-198.

Hormonal Emergency Contraception • Not new concept – 1920’s- Veterinarians used high doses of estrogen for dogs and horses

– 1960’s- DES and other estrogens prescribed for human postcoital use

– 1972- “Yuzpe method” • 100 mcg ethinyl estradiol

• 0.5 mg levonorgestrel

Plan B (levonorgestrel 0.75 mg)

EC Methods • Hormonal – Yuzepe – up to 72 hours postcoital • 100 mcg EE + 50 mcg LNG po q 12 hrs x 2

– Levonorgestrel – up to 72 hours postcoital • 0.75 mg q 12 hrs x 2, or 1.5 mg po x 1

– Ulipristal acetate – up to 120 hours postcoital • 30 mg po

• IUD (Copper T) – Place up to 120 hours postcoital

Proportion of Pregnancies Prevented by Levonorgestrel vs. Yupze, by Timing of Treatment

Task Force on Postovulatory Methods of Fertility Regulation. Lancet. 1998;352:428-433. Levonorgestrel Yuzpe Timing of Treatment (hours)

58% 31% 36% 85% 95% 77%

Emergency Contraception

Table 1. Efficacy of emergency contraception (UPA and LNG) in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses according to time from unprotected intercourse to intake of emergency contraception.

LNG: Levonorgestrel; RCT: Randomized controlled trial; UPA: Ulipristal acetate. Adapted from [12]. 

Trial type

Odds ratio and 95% CIs  

RCT Creinin et al. 2006 n = 1546

0.50 (0.18–1.24) 

RCT Glasier et al. 2010 n = 1899

0.57 (0.29–1.09) 

Meta-analysis <24 h n = 1184

0.35 (0.11–0.93) 

Meta-analysis <72 h n = 3242

0.58 (0.33–0.99) 

Meta-analysis <120 h n = 3445

0.55 (0.32–0.93) 

Permanent Birth Control Options • Vasectomy

• Tubal ligation

• Hysteroscopic Tubal Sterilization

Image 3

Image 2

Essure micro-insert in fallopian tube after 3 months

Essure Placement

Elective Abortions Year

# Abortions 
/1000 births 
/1000 women 









• 1961 – 300 abortion-related maternal deaths – 2006 = 6 abortion-related maternal deaths

• Abortion related maternal death rate = 0.72-1.0/100,000

• Maternal Mortality Rate = 15.1/100,000

Number of Abortions per 1,000 Women aged 15-44 in US

Medication Abortion Regimen

Success (%) 
Gest age (days) 

RU486 600mg M 400mcg po


RU486 200mg M 800mcg vag


MTX 50mg/m2 M 800mcg vag


M 800 vag (up to 3 doses)

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