Dermatology - Cutaneous Signs of Systemic Disease

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Cutaneous Signs of Systemic Disease


Lupus erythematosus

Acute lupus erythematosus
  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • NB: lupus erythematous lesions are blanchable
    • Distribution is along photon exposure
    • Look for a malar rash

  • Systemic symptoms:
    • circulating antibodies
    • immunoglobulin deposition in skin and other organs
    • lupus-1.jpg
Chronic (discoid) lupus erythematosus
  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Erythema with telangiectasis
    • Scaling, follicular plugging
    • Scarring that leads to alopecia
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  • Systemic symptoms:
    • Discoid LE usually remains localized to the skin
    • 5% will develop systemic symptoms like immunoglobulin


  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Gottron's papules over joints
    • Periungual erythema and "shaggy" cuticles
    • Periorbital heliotrope eruption
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  • Systemic symptoms:


  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Called "localized scleroderma"
    • Light macules / papules
    • Scarring alopecia
**Follows a dermatome?
    • Rounded off digits
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    • sclerodactyly.jpg
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    • Scleroderma_Diffuse-3.jpg
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    • symptoms-of-scleroderma.jpg

  • Systemic symptoms:
    • Increased deposition of collage in the heart / lungs / kidneys / GI tract / joints / skin
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  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Palpable purpura
**Biopsy to diagnose vasculitis
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  • Systemic symptoms:
    • Henoch-Schonlein purpura associated with renal or bowel involvement
    • Type 3 Ab reaction (immune complex) against the endothelium of the vasculature
      • Antibodies bind to an antigen and form a complex
      • The complex activates platelets (clotting) and the complement pathway (inflammation)
        • C3a and C5a are important complement factors that lead to inflammation
        • Vasoactive amines increase permeability and lead to erythema
      • Microthrombi are formed because of the activation of clotting on the deposits of immune complexes.
      • Endothelial damage occurs because of the inflammation that leads to enzyme release (neuts, basophils, etc.)
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  • Hypersensitivity vasculitis:
    • Has 5 criteria; 3 or more required for dx:
  1. Age >16
  2. Use of a possible offending drug in temporal relation to the symptoms
  3. Palpable purpura
  4. Maculopapular rash
  5. Biopsy of a skin lesion showing neutrophils around an arteriole or venule
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Aphthous ulcer

  • Come in minor and major forms
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  • Results in erythema nodosum
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Hypothyroidism (Myxedema)

  • Myxedema: "Swelling of the skin and underlying tissues giving a waxy consistency, typical of patients with underactive thyroid glands"

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Puffy skin
    • Yellowish tint
    • Loss of lateral eyebrows
    • Dry, course, brittle hair
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  • Systemic symptoms:
    • Typical hypothyroid stuff


  • Excess androgen production
    • Can be from ovary, adrenals, or drug-induced
    • Mind the racial differences and normal variation
  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Lots of hair
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  • Systemic symptoms:

Diabetes Mellitus

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Necrobiosis lipoidica: well-demarcated areas of epidermal atrophy
***Characteristic histopathologic changes
      • Ulcerations
      • Telangiectasias
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  • Systemic symptoms:



  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Nasal / facial papules / plaques
    • Fingernail infections
    • Intra-scapular papules
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  • Systemic symptoms:
    • Distal digit bone deterioration
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Metabolic Disorders

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Xanthomas: firm, flesh-colored to yellowish, papules / plaques
      • At the eye, a xanthoma is called a xanthelasma
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  • Systemic symptoms:
Porphyria cutanea tarda
  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Blisters / bullae and scarring on dorsum of hand
    • Hypertrichosis
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    • Hypertrichosis-Images.jpg
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  • Systemic symptoms:

Chronic liver diasease

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Spider telangiectasias
    • Palmar erythema
    • Jaundice
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  • Systemic symptoms:

Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Ulcerations characterized by their rolled violaceous border
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  • Systemic symptoms:
Pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Cutaneous symptoms:
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  • Systemic symptoms:

Hematology / Oncology


  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Leukemia cutis: purpuric or flesh-colored papules and plaques
    • 10-50% of monocytic leukemia pts manifest leukemia cutis
    • 6-20% of lymphocytic and granulocytic leukemias manifest leukemia cutis
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  • Systemic symptoms:


  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Lymphoma cutis: cutaneous collections of T cells
      • appears as macules / pathces, plaques, OR nodules
***Mycosis fungoides type
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  • Systemic symptoms:

Bone marrow transplantation

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • GVHD:
      • Alopecia (acute)
      • Skin depigmentation at the tips / joints of the fingers (chronic)
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  • Systemic symptoms:



  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • factitial-dermatitis-4.jpg
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    • Factitial_Ulcer_500x380.jpg
    • Factitial_Ulcer_500x380.jpg
  • Systemic symptoms:

Neurotic excoriations

  • Cutaneous symptoms:
    • Excoriations made by pt's own manipulation
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  • Systemic symptoms:


Case 1

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Case 2

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Casse 3

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