Main Page
From Inzanemisha
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Who Is Misha?
-InzaneMisha, also known as Meesh or MeeshZilla -A child of the 70's -5'4" -Red hair -One blue eye, one green -Does not drive, due to a collaboma (a birth defect) of the left eye -Primarily left handed, but writes right handed -Writer -Teacher -Student of life. Hah. -Homebody -Favorite color is cerulean blue -Watching: House MD, Las Vegas -Listening to: Larry Gatlin, Kieth Urban, Toby Kieth, Dierks Bentley -Reading: Jim Butcher, Hugh Laurie -Doing: Role Playing, Neopets
How To Contact Misha
- AIM: MeeshZilla
- Email:
- Mun Journal: Inzane Muses (Journal is Friends Locked)
Where Does Misha Role Play?
Greatest Journal: Blood Feud, Grand AptsLet's Cruise, Syncratic SD, Under The Rainbow, World In Her Hands Insane Journal: Kennedy Park Live Journal: MacAnally's Pub, Otherways
Who Does Misha Role Play? (Fandom Characters)
Who Does Misha Role Play (Original Characters)
The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin.
- Important: Log in as admin and go to Preferences to change your password!
- Write down your password.
- On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo that you want in the upper left corner of your wiki.
Other optional things to do
- Control the rights of anonymous and logged in users through the Control Panel (which can be found in the toolbox on the left side of this page).
- Add the url for your wiki to the Categorized wiki list. Simply edit that page and put your wiki under the appropriate category.
- To increase the amount of space you have for uploads, add links to from external sites, and go to the Link Quota Page to increase your uploads quota.
- Edit MediaWiki:Sidebar to change the navigation menu
- Add this wiki to some external wiki indexes:
- If you are feeling adventurous and know a little about web design you can edit the javascript and css to the Header to change the look of your wiki.
- You must log as admin to do this
- Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles.
- Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.
- Add your wiki to the map of wikis
- Add a message to the Feedback Page if you see anything that could be improved.
Wiki successfully set up.
First Steps
The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin.
- Important: Log in as admin and go to Preferences to change your password!
- Write down your password.
- On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo that you want in the upper left corner of your wiki.
Other optional things to do
- Control the rights of anonymous and logged in users through the Control Panel (which can be found in the toolbox on the left side of this page).
- Add the url for your wiki to the Categorized wiki list. Simply edit that page and put your wiki under the appropriate category.
- To increase the amount of space you have for uploads, add links to from external sites, and go to the Link Quota Page to increase your uploads quota.
- Edit MediaWiki:Sidebar to change the navigation menu
- Add this wiki to some external wiki indexes:
- If you are feeling adventurous and know a little about web design you can edit the javascript and css to the Header to change the look of your wiki.
- You must log as admin to do this
- Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles.
- Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.
- Add your wiki to the map of wikis
- Add a message to the Feedback Page if you see anything that could be improved.